Browse Items
- Accounting
- Accounting Information System
- Actuarial Mathematics
- Adapted Physical Activity
- Administration
- Administrative Law
- Adult Education
- Advance Research Methods and Statistics
- Advanced Auditing
- Advanced auditing 1
- Advanced Auditing II
- Advanced Corporate Finance
- Advanced Database Design and Implementation
- Advanced Database Designs and Managing
- Advanced Development Economics
- Advanced Economic Theory
- Advanced Economic Theory 1
- Advanced Economics Theory 2
- Advanced Electronic Systems
- Advanced Geographical Techniques
- Advanced Geographical techniques August 2023
- Advanced Immunology
- Advanced Macroeconomics
- Advanced Microeconomics
- Advanced Network Management
- Advanced Organic Chemistry
- Advanced Pedagogics in Biology
- Advanced Pedagogics in Chemistry
- Advanced Pedagogics in Computer Science
- Advanced Pedagogics in Physics
- Advanced Research methods and Statistics
- Advanced Strategic Banking
- African cultures
- African Cultures and Heritage
- African philosophy
- African Thought
- African Traditional Music
- Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship
- Agricultural Extension Approaches in Food and Agricultural Programmes
- Agricultural Economics
- Agricultural Engineering Design
- Agricultural Engineering Project Planning and Management
- Agricultural Extension
- Agricultural Extension Approaches in Food and Agricultural Programmes
- Agricultural Extension Approaches in Food and Agricultural Programmes
- Agricultural Finance
- Agricultural Law
- Agricultural Machinery
- Agricultural Machinery Management
- agricultural Macro economics
- Agricultural Management
- Agricultural Marketing
- Agricultural Mechanization
- Agricultural Planning
- Agricultural Policy
- Agricultural Production Economics
- Agricultural Programmes
- Agricultural Structures
- Agricultural Tractors
- Agricultural Trade
- Agricultural Value Chain Management
- Agriculture and Development
- Agroforestry
- Air Quality Management
- Algebra
- An introduction to Agricultural Sociology and Ethics
- Analogue Electronics 1
- Analysis
- Analysis II
- Analysis of Financial Data
- Analytical Biotechnology
- Analytical Chemistry
- Analytical Chemistry 1
- Analytical Chemistry III
- Anatomy
- Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals
- and Intellectual Property in Biotechnology
- and Leadership Styles
- and Risk Management
- Animal
- Animal Physiology
- Animal Biotechnology
- Animal Breeding
- Animal Diseases
- Animal Ethology
- Animal Examination
- Animal Examinations
- Animal Feed
- animal food and safety
- Animal Health
- Animal Health and Welfare
- Animal Health Care
- Animal Nutrition
- Animal Physiology
- Animal Product and Processing
- Animal Products
- Animal Products and Processing
- Animal Products or Animal Product and Processing
- Animal Science
- Animal Therapeutic Technics
- Animal Welfare
- Animal Welfare and Ethology
- Annual Crop Production
- Anthropology
- Anthropology and Ethnographical Collection Studies
- Antimicrobial Resistance and Core Compliments of an Infection Prevention and Control
- Antimicrobial Resistance and Core components of an Infection Prevention and Control
- Applied Animal Physiology
- Applied Bacteriology and Mycology
- Applied Biochemistry
- Applied Biophysics
- Applied Mathematics Education II
- Applied Research Methods
- Applied Statistics
- Applied Virology
- Approaches in Food Programmes
- Approaches to Heritage Conservation
- Aquaculture
- Archaeology
- Archeology
- Archiving
- Art of Africa
- Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems
- Aspects of Population Geography
- Assessement and Evaluation in Nursing Education
- Assessment Issue and Practice
- Assessment Issues and Practice
- Athletics
- Athletics 3
- Atomic and Optical Physics
- Auditing Principles and Procedures
- Auditing principles and Procedures 1
- Auditing Principles and Procedures II
- August 2023
- Bank Lending
- Bank Lending and Credit Risk Management
- Banking
- Banking Information Systems
- Banking Law
- Basic Communication Skills
- Basic Physics
- Beef
- beef and sheep
- Binocular Vission 1
- Biochemistry
- Biochemistry of physical Activity
- Biodiversity and Ecosystems
- Biodiversity and Environmental Sustainability
- Biogeography
- Biological Molecules
- Biology
- Biology Management and Insect Pests
- Biology of Edible Fungi
- Biomathematics
- Biomechanics
- Biomechanics for Human Movement
- Biomechanics for Human Movement
- Biometry
- Biometry and Experimental Designs
- Bioprocess Engineering
- Biostatistics
- Biostatistics and Epidemiology
- Biotechnology
- Biotechnology Regulation and Biosafety. Ethics
- Brand Management
- Brand Marketing
- Broadcast Journalism
- Business Administration
- Business Communication
- Business Intelligence
- Business Law
- Business Research Methods
- Business Statistics and Management Science
- Business Statistics and Management Science June
- Business to Business Marketing
- Business to Business Marketing 4
- Calculus
- Calculus 1
- Calculus and Financial Modeling
- Cargo Transport
- Cell and Molecular Biology
- Cell biology
- Cell Biology and Biochemistry
- Chemical Research Methods and Statistics
- Chemistry Practicals
- child
- Circuit Analysis
- Circuit Analysis I
- Citizen education
- Citizenship
- Civil society
- Civil Society and Peace Building
- Climate Change
- Climate Change and Development March 2023
- Climate Change and Ecosystem Services
- Climate Change and Social Justice
- Climate Change and Sustainable Development
- Climate Change and Urban Development
- Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
- Climate Change Policy and Strategies
- Climate Policy and Strategies
- Climatology
- Clinical Medicine in Optometry
- Clinical Optometry
- Clinical Optometry III
- Clinical Optometry Instrumentation
- Cloud Computing and Virtualization
- Coaching
- Coaching and Mentoring
- Colonial Heritage
- Commercial Crime
- Commodities Marketing
- Communication
- Communication for development
- Communication for Higher and Tertiary Education
- Communication Law
- Communication Skills
- Communication Systems
- Communication theories
- Communities
- Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction
- Community Based Natural Resource Management
- Community Development
- Community Health Nursing
- Company Law
- Comparative Education
- Computer and Statistical Applications in Economics
- Computer Applications
- Computer Architecture
- Computer Architecture and Operating System
- Computer Engineering and Programming
- Computer Graphics
- Computer Organisation Architecture
- Computer Organization and Architecture
- Computer Programming
- Computer Security
- Computer Skills
- Comunication and Media Relations in Sports
- Conflict
- Conflict and Development
- Conflict development
- Conflict Management
- Conflict Resolution
- Conflict Resolution Processes
- Conflict Transformation
- Conflict transformation4
- Constitutional Law
- Consumer and Buyer Behavior
- Consumer Behavior
- Consumer Behaviour
- Contact Lens
- Contact Lens Clinic
- Contact Lens Clinic II
- Contact Lens Clinic III
- Contact Lens Clinic IV
- Contemporary Issues in Development Economics
- Contemporary Issues
- Contemporary Issues in Development Economics
- Contemporary Policing
- Control Engineering
- Corporate
- Corporate Entrepreneurship
- Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Corporate Finance
- Corporate Finance 1
- Corporate Finance and Investment Analysis
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate Governance and Business Ethics
- Corporate Governance for Sports Managers
- Corporate Governance in Sport
- Corporate Governance in Sports
- Corporate Investment Banking
- Corporate Reporting
- Corporate Reporting II
- Cost and Management Accounting
- Cost and Management Accounting 2
- Cost Management
- Cost Management Accounting 2
- Cost Management Accounting 3
- Court Sports (Tennis)
- Credit Risk Management
- Criminal Intelligence Analysis
- Criminal Law
- Criminal Procedure
- Criminology
- Crop Biotechnology
- Crop Ecology
- Crop Ecology and Physiology
- crop management
- Cryptography and Network Security
- Cultural Heritage
- Cultural Heritage and Environmental Impact Assessment
- Cultural Heritage and Intellectual Property
- Culture and Heritage Studies
- Culture in Africa
- Current Themes and Discourses in Education and The Curriculum
- Curriculum Analysis
- Curriculum and Instructional Design
- Curriculum and Pedagogical Issues in Geography
- Curriculum and Pedagogical issues in Geography Education
- Curriculum and Pedagogical Issues in Mathematics Education
- Curriculum Change and Innovation
- Curriculum Design
- Curriculum Evaluation
- Curriculum Issues and Comparative Education
- Curriculum Planning
- Curriculum Study
- Customer Relations Management
- Customer Relationship Management
- Customs Practice and Documentation
- Cyber Technology
- Cytogenetics
- Dairy Production
- Data Analytics
- Data Communication and Networking
- Data Communications and Networking
- Data Communications and Networks
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Database Concepts
- Decontamination and Sterilization
- Democracy and Development
- Demography and Development
- Department of Statistics and Mathematics
- Derivative Securities
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Design and Development
- Design and Operations of Pressurized Irrigation Systems
- Development
- Development Communication
- Development Economics
- Development Finance
- Development Institutions
- Development Planning
- Development Policy and Planning
- Development Theory and Policy
- Diagnostic and Ocular Therapeutics I
- Diagnostics
- Digital
- Digital Communication Systems
- Digital Devices and Systems
- Digital Electronics
- Digital Journalism
- Digital logic
- Digital Marketing
- Digital Marketing Strategy
- Digital Signal Processing
- Digital Strategy
- Disaster and Development Theories and Approaches
- Disaster and Sustainable Development
- Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response
- Disaster Reduction and Management
- Disaster Research Methods and Techniques
- Disaster Resilience
- Disaster Risk Management and Livehood Security
- Disaster Risk Management Policy June 2023
- Disaster Risk Reduction and Development
- Disasters and Development
- Discrete Mathematics
- Dissertation Writing Skills
- Distributed Systems
- Diversity of Life
- Diversity of Life I
- Diversity of Life II
- Dry Stone Heritage of Southern Africa
- E -Purchasing
- E- Business 3
- E-Business
- E-Commerce in computer science
- E-Governance
- E-Learning in Nursing Education A
- Early Warning Systems
- ecology
- Econometric Modelling
- Econometric Principles
- Econometric Principles and Data Analysis
- Econometrics II
- Economic geographic
- Economic Geography
- Economic Principles
- Economic Principles 1
- Economics
- Economics of Corruption
- Economics of Governance and Development
- Economics of Governance and Growth
- Economics Principles 1
- Ecotourism
- Education
- Educational
- Educational Management
- Educational Foundations
- Educational Management and Leadership
- educational management research
- Electrical and Electronic Principles
- Electrical Engineering Circuit and Analysis
- electrical principles
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Electricity and Magnetism 2.
- Electricity and Magnetism 5
- Electrification for Agriculture
- Electromagnetic Theory
- Electronic Drives
- Electronic Engineering Circuits
- electronic principles
- Electronics
- Electronics 1
- Emarkerting
- Emergency Preparedness Response and Recovery
- Employee relations
- Endogenous Conflict
- Energy for Sustainable Development
- Engineering
- Engineering Drawing
- Engineering Management 2
- Engineering Mathematics
- Engineering Mathematics 1
- Engineering Mathematics 1B
- Engineering Mathematics3
- Engineering Mechanics
- Entrepreneurial and Heritage
- Entrepreneurial Financing
- Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship and Financial Management
- Entrepreneurship and New Business Development
- Entrepreneurship and New Business Development November 2024
- Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
- Entrepreneuship
- Environment and Sustainable Development
- Environmental and Natural Resources Law
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
- Environmental Auditing
- Environmental Biotechnology
- Environmental Change and Development
- Environmental Chemistry
- Environmental conflict
- Environmental Economics
- Environmental Education
- Environmental Geomorphology
- Environmental Hazards
- Environmental Hazards and Disaster Management
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Environmental Law
- Environmental Management
- Environmental Management Systems
- Environmental Microbiology
- Environmental Monitoring
- Environmental Physics
- Environmental Policy
- Environmental Remote Sensing
- Environmental security
- Environmental Systems
- Enzymology and Immunology
- Epidemiology
- Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Ergonomics
- Ethical and Social issues in Digital Marketing
- Ethics
- Ethics and Professionalism
- Ethics in Intelligence
- Ethnographical collection
- Evaluation
- Evaluation and Management
- Evaluation of Education Policies
- Events Management
- Evolutionary Botany
- Experimental Designs
- Facilities and Event Management in Sports
- Farm Accounting
- Feature and Magazine
- Feed Production
- Fermentation Biotechnology
- Fermentation Technology
- Field Sport
- Field Sport (Cricket)
- Finacial Management of Sports
- Finance
- Finance Management and Accounting
- Financial Accounting
- Financial Accounting 1A
- Financial Accounting 1B
- Financial Accounting 2B
- Financial Accounting IIA
- Financial Analysis and Management In Agriculture
- Financial Aspects of Marketing
- Financial Derivatives
- Financial Economics
- Financial Engineering
- Financial Management and Accounting
- Financial Management for Business Leaders
- Financial Management in Sport
- Financial Management of Sports
- Financial Management of Sports
- Financial Mathematics
- Financial Time Series Analysis
- Financing
- Fire Management
- Food and Agricultural Policy
- Food Biotechnology June 2023
- Food Engineering
- food hygiene
- Food Safety
- Food Safety and Hygiene
- Food Security
- Food Security and Climate Change
- Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture
- Food Security and Vulnerability Assessment
- Food Security Principles and Issues November
- Food Security Systems and Approaches in Disaster Risk Reduction
- Food Systems and Value Chain Management
- Foreign Language
- Foreign Policy
- Forensic Technology
- Forest Biotechnology
- Forest Botany
- Forest Harvesting and Engineering
- Forest Inventory
- Forest Pathology and Entomology
- forestry biotechnology
- forestry management
- Foundation of Mathematics
- Foundations of Education
- French
- French 1
- French 2
- Functional analysis
- Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering
- Fundamentals of Sports and Exercise Science and Management
- Fundamentals of Sports and Exercise Science Management
- Gender
- Gender and Development
- Gender and Disaster
- Gender and Disasters
- Gender and Sustainable Development
- Gender Studies
- Gender Youth and Media
- General and Ocular Pharmacology
- General Chemistry
- General Linear Models
- General Microbiology
- General Microbiology August 2024
- Genetic
- Genetic Engineering
- Genetics and Evolution
- Genetics August 2024
- Geographic Information Systems
- Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing
- Geometrical Optics
- Geometry and Trigonometrical Ratios
- Geomorphology
- Geophysics
- GIS and Remote Sensing for Climate Change and Sustainable Development
- GIS Application in Development projects
- Global Marketing
- Globalization
- Goat and Sheep Production
- Governance
- Governance and Development
- Government and Private Sector in Development
- Green Marketing
- Growth
- Guidance
- Health
- Health Administration and Management
- Health Assessment
- Health Economics
- Health Education
- Health Financing
- Health Policy
- Health Policy and Planning
- Health Safety
- Heredity
- Heredity and Genetics
- Heritage
- Heritage and Culture
- Heritage and Entrepreneurial
- Heritage and Memory
- Heritage Conservation
- Heritage Conversation
- Heritage Informatics
- Heritage Inventory
- Heritage Inventory and Archiving
- Heritage management
- Heritage Management and Sustainable Development
- Heritage studies
- Historic Buildings
- Historical and Philosophical Foundations of the Curriculum
- History
- History and Context of Higher Education
- History and Philosophy of Mathematics
- History and Philosophy of Biology
- History and Philosophy of Chemistry
- History and Philosophy of Computer Science
- History and Philosophy of Geography
- History and Philosophy of Physics
- History and Philosophy of Sciences
- HIV and AIDS Education
- Hood Technology
- Hospital Design and Built Environment
- HR Analytics
- Huan Rights and Development
- Human Geography
- Human Resource Policy and Practice
- Human Resources Management in Sport
- Human Anatomy 11
- Human Anatomy and Physiology
- Human and Computer Interaction
- Human Capital Consultancy (2)
- Human Capital Consultancy 3
- Human Capital Development
- Human Health
- Human Health and Diseases
- Human Physiology 1
- Human Physiology 11
- Human Resource Management in Sport
- Human Resource Policy and Practice
- Human Resources Analytics
- Human Resources Development
- Human Resources Management in Science
- Human rights
- Human Rights and Development
- Human Rights and Policing
- Human Security
- Human Security and Development
- Humanitarian Logistics
- Humanitarian organisations
- Humans and Wildlife
- Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanic
- Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics
- Hydrology and Water Management
- Hygiene
- Hygiene and Management
- Identification and Development
- Ideologies
- Immunology
- Implementation and Evaluation
- Indigenous Knowledge Systems IKSs
- Industrial Chemistry
- Industrial Chemistry 2
- Industrial Chemistry II
- Industrial Control
- Industrial Economics
- Industrial Epidemiology
- Industrial Labor Relations
- Industrial Labour Relations
- Industrial Microbiology
- Industrial Psychology
- Industrial Relations
- Industrial Relations (3)
- Industrial Sociology
- Industrialisation and Development June
- Industrrial Epidemiology
- Inferential Statistics
- Information and Records Management
- Information System Auditing
- Information Systems
- Information Systems 1
- Information Systems and Security
- Information Systems Auditing
- Innovation Management
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Inorganic Chemistry 1
- Inorganic Chemistry I
- Institutional Economics
- Institutions
- Institutions and Development
- Integrated Circuits
- Integrated Circuits and Microelectronics
- Integrated Urban Development
- Integrated Water Resources Management
- Intergrated Urban Development
- Intergrated water Resources Management
- Intermediate Micro Economics for Agriculture
- International Banking
- International Criminal Organizations
- International Economics
- International Finance
- International Governance and Development
- International law and Diplomacy
- International laws
- International Laws for the Management of Heritage
- International Marketing
- International Organisation
- International Purchasing
- International Purchasing 1
- International trade theory and policy
- International Trade and Development
- Internet and Web Designing
- Internet of Things
- Interpretation of Statutes
- Interpretation of Statutes
- Intoduction to Zimbabwean History
- Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology
- Introduction to Probability and Descriptive Statistics
- Introduction Disaster Management
- Introduction Environment Management
- Introduction Museology
- Introduction to Entomology and Nematology
- Introduction to Sociology and Ethics in Agriculture
- Introduction To Agricultural Extension
- Introduction to Agricultural Planning and Management
- Introduction to Biochemistry
- Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology
- Introduction to Computer Programming
- Introduction to Computer Science
- Introduction To Demography
- Introduction to Development Project
- Introduction to Development Studies O
- Introduction to Econometrics
- Introduction To Entomology and Parasitology
- Introduction to Environmental Management
- Introduction to Environmental Science
- introduction to environmental Science 2024
- Introduction to Environmental Science June 2023
- Introduction to Forest Resources
- Introduction to Gender Studies
- Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
- Introduction to Geology and Mineral Resources(3)
- Introduction to Geology and Minerals
- Introduction to Markets and Institutions
- Introduction to Meteorology and Climate Change
- Introduction to Microbiology
- Introduction to Optometry
- Introduction to Probability and Descriptive Statics
- Introduction to Probability and Descriptive Statistics
- Introduction to Programming
- Introduction to Remote Sensing
- Introduction to Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems
- Introduction to Social Anthropology
- Introduction to Social Work with Communities
- Introduction to Sociology
- Introduction to Statistics
- Introduction to Statistics June 2024
- Introduction to Transport and Logistics
- Introduction to Veterinary Epidemiology
- Introduction to Veterinary Parasitology and Entomology
- Introduction to Water Resources Management
- Introduction to Wildlife and Aquatic Resources
- Introductory Entomology
- Introductory Mathematics
- Introductory Mechanics
- Inventory
- Investigative Journalism
- Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
- Investment Analysis snd Portfolio Management
- Irrigation
- Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
- June 2023
- Key Concepts of Climate Change and Sustainable Development
- Key formulae required for tests and examinations in educational statistics
- Kinanthropomertry
- Knowledge and learning and Assessment
- Knowledge and Learning Assessment
- Laboratory Techniques
- Laboratory Techniques in Sports Science
- Labour Economics
- Labour Law
- Land Management and Conversation
- Land Reclamation and Revegetation
- law
- Law and policy
- Law of Evidence
- Leadership
- Leadership and Leadership styles
- Leadership and Advocacy
- Leadership and Conflict Management
- Leadership and government
- Leadership and Leadership Styles
- Legal
- Legal and Ethical Principles in Sport
- Legal Aspect
- Legal Aspects
- Legal Aspects in Purchasing and Supply
- Linear Algebra
- Linear Algebra
- Linear Algebra 1
- Linear Algebra and Financial Modeling
- Linear Mathematics 1
- Linear Regression
- Linear Regression Analysis
- Linear Regression Analysis
- liquid waste management
- Liquidity
- livestock health
- Livestock Health and Production Policy
- Livestock improvement
- Livestock Production
- Local Governance
- Logic
- Logistic
- Logistics
- Logistics in Purchasing and Supply 2
- Long Term Athlete Development
- Macroeconomics
- MacroEconomics 2
- Macroeconomics for Agriculture
- Magazine Writing
- Management
- Management Economics
- Management Information Systems and E-Business
- Management of Extension Programmes
- Management of Extension Programmes 2
- Management of Geophyscial Hazards
- Management of Geophysical Hazards
- Management of learning in Tertiary Education
- Management of Technological Hazards
- Managing Athletes
- Managing Global Business
- Managing Global Business Process Outsourcing
- Managing Global Business Processes Outsourcing
- Managing Network Projects
- Managing the Sport Enterprise
- Managing the Sports Enterprise
- March 2023
- Market
- Market and Liquidity Risk Management
- marketing
- Marketing Analytics
- Marketing Communications
- Marketing Information Systems
- Marketing of Financial Services
- Marketing Research
- Material Planning
- Materials Planning and Production Control
- Mathematical Computing
- Mathematical Discourse and Structures
- Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
- Mathematics
- Mathematics Bridging Course
- Mathematics Bridging Course
- Mathematics for Agricultural Economics
- Mathematics for Chemists
- Mathematics for Economist
- Mathematics for Economists
- Mathematics for Technologists
- Matric Spaces and Topology
- Measurement and Evaluation
- Meat Science
- Mechanics
- Mechanics August
- Mechanics and Oscillations
- Media
- Media and Communication Theories
- Media in Zimbabwe
- Media Law
- Media Law and Ethics
- Media sociology
- Medical Biotechnology
- Medical Surgical Nursing
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Memory
- Mentoring and Coaching
- Mentorship
- Meteorology
- Methodology
- Metric Spaces
- Metric Spaces and Topology
- Micro Genetics and Molecular Biology
- Microbial Genetics and Virology
- Microbial Pathogenesis
- Microbiology
- Microbiology and Parasitology
- Microbiology for Optometry
- Microcomputer Architecture
- Microeconomics
- Microeconomics for Agriculture 1
- Microelectronics
- Microprocessors
- Mineral Technology
- Mitigation and Management
- Mobile Application Development
- Mobile Communication
- Models
- Modern Applied Statistics
- Modern Control Engineering
- Modern Physics
- Molecular Biology
- Molecular genetics
- Molecular Systematics
- Monetary Economics
- Money and Banking
- Money Laundering
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Motivation
- Motor Skills Acquisition
- Motor Skills Acquisition and Development
- Multilateral Institutions and development
- Multileteral Institutions and Development
- Multivariate
- Multivariate Analysis
- Multivariate Methods
- Museology
- Museum and Heritage
- Mycology
- Nanochemistry
- Nanotechnology
- National Security Analysis
- Natural Resources and Climate Change
- Natural Resources Legislation
- Natural Resources Management
- Nature Based Entrepreneurship
- Nature-Based Entrepreneurship
- Negotiation and Conflict Management
- Network Operating Systems
- Network Planning and Design
- Network Theory
- Networking protocols
- New Business Development
- New Venture Creation
- News gathering
- News Gathering and News Writing
- News writing
- Non- Food Production
- Nuclear Physics
- Numerical Methods
- Numerical Methods In Finance
- Nursery Production and Management
- nursing
- Nursing Administration
- Nursing Education
- Nursing Education 1
- Nursing Research
- nutrition
- Nutrition for Exercise and Health
- Nutrition and Metabolism in Sport
- Nutrition and Metabolism in Sports
- Nutrition for Exercise Health
- Object Oriented Programming 1
- Object Oriented Programming 1
- Object Oriented Programming 11
- Object Oriented Programming 2
- Occupation Health
- Occupational Health and Safety Management
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Occupational Health and Safety Legislation
- Occupational Health and Safety Management
- Occupational Hygiene
- Occupational Hygiene and Toxicology
- Occupational safety
- Ocular Pathology
- Ocular Pathology 1
- Ocularanatomy and Physiology
- Official Statistics
- Online Journalism
- Operating Systems Concepts
- Operating Systems
- Operating Systems Concepts
- Operations Management
- Operations Management and Control
- Operations Research
- Operations Research for Finance
- Operations Research in Finance
- Ophthalmic Optics and Dispensing
- Optics
- Optics and Modern Physics
- Optics and Waves Motion
- Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
- Organic Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry 1
- Organic Chemistry 2
- Organic Chemistry August 2024
- Organisational Behaviour
- Paper Technology
- Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Parasitology
- Partial Differential Equations and Fourier Series
- Passenger
- Passenger and Cargo Management
- Pathology
- Peace
- Peace & governance
- peace and conflict
- Peace and Governance
- Peace and Security
- Peace and Security Studies
- Peacebuilding
- Pedagogics In Mathematics and Geography
- Pediatric Nursing
- Perennial Crop Production
- pest
- Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
- Pharmaceutical Technology
- Pharmacology
- Philosophical Foundations of Education
- Philosophy of Computer Science
- Philosophy of Mathematics
- Physical Activity and Wellness Promotions
- Physical Activity and Wellness Promotion
- Physical Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry 1
- Physical Chemistry 111
- Physical Chemistry 2
- Physical Chemistry II
- Physical Chemistry iii
- Physical Geography
- Physics
- Physics for Computer Science
- Physics of Pollution
- Physiological Optics
- Physiology and Biochemistry of Physical Activity
- Physiology of Exercise
- Physiology of Exercise
- Phytochemistry
- Pig and Production
- Pig and Poultry
- Pig Production
- Planning
- Planning Monitoring and Evaluation
- Plant
- Plant Science
- Plant and Animal Nutrition
- Plant Biology
- Plant biotechnology
- Plant Breeding
- Plant Pathology
- Plant Physiology
- Policy Analysis
- Policy and media
- political
- Political communication
- Political Ecology
- Political Economy
- Political Science
- Politics
- population
- Population and Community Ecology
- Population and Natural Resource Sustainability
- Population and Quantitative Genetics
- Population genetics
- Population Studies
- Port Management
- Port Management and Shipping Examination
- Post Graduate Diploma in Tertiary Education
- Post Harvest and Marketing Management
- Post-Harvest Crop Management
- Power Electronics
- Practical Application of Accounting Software Packages
- Practice Management and Jurisprudence
- Pre-Colonial Southern Africa
- Pre-Colonial Southern Africa
- Primary Animal Health Techniques
- Principles
- Principles and Methods of Investigation
- Principles and Methods of Investigations
- Principles of Agricultural Machinery
- Principles of Agricultural Marketing
- Principles of Animal Production
- Principles of Crop Production
- Principles of Disease Control
- Principles of Ecology and Biodiversity
- Principles of Fermentation
- Principles of Fermentation Technology
- Principles of Financial Intelligence
- Principles of Financial Intelligence 1
- Principles of Financial Intelligence 2
- Principles of Genetics
- Principles of Genetics.
- Principles of Hortculture
- Principles of Human Resource Management
- Principles of Human Resources Management
- Principles of Industrial Processes 2
- Principles of Marketing
- Principles of Marketing 2
- Principles of Procurement
- Principles of Transport and Logistics
- Principles of Transport and Logistics (1)
- Principles to Horticulture
- Probability Theory
- Probability Theory and Statistics
- Process Outsourcing
- Procurement
- Product Management
- Production and Operations Management 1
- Production Control
- Professional Engineering Management
- Professional Jurisprudence and Ethics
- Project Planning Management
- Project and Contract Management
- Project and Management
- Project and Programme Managemnet for Educational Evaluators
- Project Development and Management
- Project Management
- Project Management for Educational Evaluators
- Project Monitoring and Evaluation
- Project Planning and Management
- Projects and Programmes
- Protein Engineering
- Psychiatry (Mental Health Nursing)
- Psychological and Sociological Foundations of Education
- Psychological and Sociological Foundations of the Curriculum
- Psychological Foundations in Education
- Psychology
- Psychology for Health
- Public
- Public and Media Relations in Sport
- Public and Media Relations in Sport
- Public Finance 1
- Public Finance 1 (3)
- Public Health Disaster
- Public Health and Development
- Public Health Systems and Approaches In Disaster Risk Reduction
- Public Policy
- Public Policy and Policy Analysis
- Public Procurement
- Public Procurement Law and Policy
- Public Relations
- Public Sector
- Public Sector Accounting and Finance 1
- Public Sector Accounting and Finance 2
- Public sector accounting and finance1
- Public Sector and Finance
- Public Sector Human Resource Management
- Public Sector Human Resources Management
- Public Sector Procurement
- Pulp Technology
- Pump Technology
- Pure Mathematics 2
- Pure Mathematics 3
- Pure Mathematics 4
- Pure Mathematics3
- Quality Assurance in Tertiary Education
- Quantitative Analysis for Business
- Quantitative Analysis for Business I
- Quantitative Analysis for Business I (1)
- Quantitative Analysis for Business I (2)
- Quantitative Analysis for Business II (1)
- Quantitative Analysis for Business II (2)
- Quantitative Genetics
- Quantitative Methods
- Quantitave Analysis for Business 1
- Quantitave Analysis for Business 11
- Quantum Physics 1
- Quantum Theory
- Quantum Physics
- Quantum Physics 1
- Radio production
- Range Animal Nutrition
- Rangeland Ecology and Management
- Records
- Regional Development
- Regulation and Control
- Relationship Management
- Religion
- Repair and Maintenance of Agricultural Machinery
- Requirements Engineering
- Research
- Research Methods and Statistics
- Research Methods
- Research Methods and Dissertation Writing Skills June 2023
- Research Methods and Dissertation Writing Skills2.
- Research Methods and Sport Analytics
- Research Methods and Sports Analytics
- Research Methods and Statics
- Research Methods for Biologists
- Research Methods for Exercise Sciences
- Research Methods in biology
- Resources Management
- Retail Management
- Reward Management
- Risk Analysis
- Risk and Disaster Management
- Risk and Disaster Management 1
- Risk Assessment Techniques
- Risk Management and Derivative Securities
- Risk Management in Sport
- Risk Theory
- Rock Art
- Routing and Switching
- ruminant
- Rural
- Rural and Urban Livelihoods and Disaster Risk Reduction
- Rural and Urban Planning and Development
- Rural Development and Planning
- Rural Development in Zimbabwe
- Rural Environmental Planning
- Safety
- Safety and Intellectual property in Biotechnology
- Safety and Wellness
- Safety Health
- Safety Health and Environmental Auditing
- Safety Health and Environmental Management
- Safety Health and Risk Management
- Safety Healthy and Environmental Auditing
- Sales Management
- Sales Management 2
- Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion
- Sawmilling technology
- Security
- Security Studies
- Seed Production and Technology
- Seed Production Technology
- Service Marketing
- Shipping
- Simulation and Modelling
- Social Anthropology
- Social Forestry
- Social issues in Digital Marketing
- Social Marketing
- Social Media Marketing
- Social Pathology
- Social policy
- Social Protection Systems in Disaster Management
- Social Protection Systems in Disaster Risk Management
- Social psychology
- Social Welfare Organisations
- Social work
- Social work policies
- Socio-Economic Development
- Socio-economjc Development
- Sociological Foundations of Education
- Sociology
- Sociology for Health
- Sociology Foundations
- Software Architecture and Design
- Software Engineering
- Software Engineering Applications
- Software Evolution and Re-Engineering
- Software Project Management
- Software Testing and Quality Assurance
- Soil and Water Conservation Engineering
- Soil Conservation
- Soil Cultivation
- Soil Fertility
- Soil Fertility Management
- Soil Geography
- Soil Mechanics
- Soil Mechanics and Cultivation
- Solid and Liquid Waste
- Solid State Physics 1
- Solid State Physics I
- Solid waste management
- South Africa
- Sport Entrepreneurship
- Sport Finance
- Sport Marketing
- Sport Psychology
- Sport team and Organisation
- Sport Tourism and Recreation
- Sports Coaching Pedagogy and Practice
- Sports Coaching Pedagogy and Practice
- Sports for Sustainable Development
- Sports Law and Ethics
- Sports Medicine
- Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Sports Pedagogy and Practice
- Sports Performance Analysis
- Sports Performance Analysis November 2023
- Sports Psychology and Motor Learning
- Sports Sociology
- Sports Teams and Organisation
- Sports Technopreneurship
- ssessment and Evaluation in Nursing Education 2.
- Statistical Mechanics
- Statistical Methods
- Statistical Methods and Experimental Designs
- Statistical Methods and Experimental Designs Ju
- Statistical Methods Experimental Designs
- statistics
- Statistics 1
- Statistics for Development Management
- Statistics for development studies
- Statistics for Disaster Management
- Statistics for Economics 1
- Statistics for Economists 2
- Statistics for Educational Research
- Statistics for Educational Research Practice
- Stochastic Processes
- Stores
- Stores and Warehouse Management
- Strategic
- Strategic Human Capital Management
- Strategic Human Capital Management in Sport
- Strategic Human Resource Management
- Strategic Human Resources Management
- Strategic Intelligence
- Strategic Leadership and Organisational Dynamics
- Strategic Leadership and Organizational Dynamics
- Strategic Logistics Management
- Strategic Management 2
- Strategic Management Accounting
- Strategic Management in Sports
- Strategic Management Logistics June 2023
- Strategic Marketing
- Strategic Marketing 2
- Strategic Marketing Management
- Strategic Purchasing
- Strategic Purchasing 2
- Strategic Sourcing
- Strategic Sports Management
- Strategic Sports Marketing
- Strategy
- Strength Material
- Structural Transformation
- Structural Transformation and Growth
- Student Assessment in Higher Education
- Succession Planning
- Supply Chain Management
- Supply Chain Management in Sport
- Supply Chain Risk Management
- Supply Market Analysis
- Surface Irrigation System Technology
- Sustainable Agriculture
- sustainable development
- Sustainable Livestock Production
- Sustainable Procurement
- Sustainable Procurement II
- Sustainable Procurement II
- Systematics and Taxonomy
- Systems Analysis
- Systems Analysis and Design
- Systems Design
- Talent
- Talent Identification and Development
- Talent Management
- Tangible and Intangible Heritage
- Tax Law and Practice 1
- Tax Law and Practice 1 / Taxation
- Tax Law and Practice 2
- Taxation
- Technology
- Technoprenuership
- Testing Measurement and Evaluation in Sports
- The History of Pre-Colonial Southern Africa
- The Research Process in Education
- The Rock Art of Africa
- Theories of International Relations
- Theories of Sustainable and Development
- Theory and Practice of Educational Evaluation
- Theory and Practice of Educational Evaluation
- Theory of Mechanisms and Machines
- Theory Structures
- Thermal Physics
- Thermal Physics and Wave Motion
- Thermal Physics and Wavemotion
- Thermodynamics
- Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
- Topology
- Tour
- Tourism and Environment
- Toxicology
- Trade and Customs Practice
- Traditional Music
- Training and Coaching Science
- Training and Development
- transitional justice
- Transport
- Transport Economics
- Trends In Physics Education
- Trends in Chemistry Education
- Trends in Mathematics and Geography Education
- Trends in Science Education
- United Nations Organisation Examination
- Urban Environment and Sustainability
- Urban Environments and Sustainability
- Vector Calculus
- Vector Methods and Electromagnetism
- Vectors
- Vectors and Matrices
- Venture Creation
- Vertebrate Biology August 2023
- Veterinary Epidemiology
- Virology
- Virtual Private Network
- Visual Design Concepts and Development
- Warehouse Management
- waste management
- Wastewater Management
- Water Sanitation and Hygiene
- Water Supply
- Web Design
- weed
- Weed Biology Management
- Weed Management and Control
- welfare
- Wildlife Resources Management
- Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing
- Workshop Process and Practices
- Youth
- Youth and Media
- Youth Development
- Zimbabean history
- Zimbabwean History