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Department of Natural Resources
Department of Natural Resources
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Propagation And Nursery Growth Performance Of Erythrina Lysistemon (Lucky Bean Tree) In Bindura, Zimbabwe
Urban expansion and its implication on domestic wastewater treatment in a typical small town of a developing country: case of Masvingo, Zimbabwe
Assessing The Contribution Of Food Assistance In Curbing Food Insecurity. A Case Of Mt Darwin, Zimbabwe
The impacts of artisanal mining on groundwater quality around Bindura town.
Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Impala (Aepyceros Melampus) and Kudu (Tragelaphus Strepsiceros) In Tuli Safari Area
Assessing the effects of small scale mining on livelihoods of communities in ward 17, Kenzamba in Makaonde district.
The Effects of Selected Miombo Woodland Species on Carbon and Nitrogen Storage in Humid Savannas.
An Assessment of Waste Management Challenges and Prospects in High Density Surburbs, Zimbabwe: A Case Study of Budiriro 1, Harare
An analysis of the profitability of pig production in Bindura District.
Impacts Of Climate Change Related Events on Vulnerable Groups in Mazowe District, Zimbabwe
Impacts of climate change on beekeeping in sub-Saharan Africa
An assessment of small-scale fish marketing in Zimbabwe
Impact of climate change on the habitat of aeschynomene gazensis an endemic plant species in Zimbabwe
An assessment of the brewery industry’s wastewater for non-potable industrial reuse: a case of Chitungwiza sorghum brewery, Delta
Effects of biochar on soil physico- chemical properties growth and yield of Brassica Napus
Economic analysis of the goat breeding project. Permission is hereby granted to Bindura University of Science Education Library to produce a single copy of this dissertation and lend such copy for private, scholarly or scientific research only
An analysis of the effectiveness of pfumvudza on agriculture production. "Pfumvudza" A case of Domboshava in ward 5 Pote village Zimbabwe.
An analysis of profitability of wheat to smallholder farmers: A case Of Goromonzi District ward 7, from the period 2022-2023 season.
A study of the growth, feed conversion and mortality rate of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus): A case study of Craig Farm in Mashonaland Central Province.
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (Kap) Toward the Use of Biogas by Rural Communities. A Case of Mrehwa District Ward 28
The impact of climate change on Ziziphus mauritiana, an exotic but naturalised fruit tree of food and income importance in sub-Saharan Africa
Knowledge, Attitude, And Practices of People Towards Settling in Risk Riparian Locations at The Tokwe Mukosi Dam.
Sources, Bindura Urban, Zimbabwe. An Assessment Of Knowledge, Attitude And Practices (Kap) Of Households Towards Solar Energy
Effect of Covid-19 Pandemic on Wildlife Conservation in Matopo National Park Zimbabwe.
Assessing the occupational safety and health hazards associated with large scale pig farming. A case study at Triple C Pigs.
Showing 1 to 25 of 103 results
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