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Department of Environmental Sciences
Department of Environmental Sciences
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Assessment of Rapid Entire Body Assessment (reba) and Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (rula) applicability in ergonomics risk assessment. Case study ZPC Hwange expansion project Sherwood Block
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices (kap) of smallholder farmers on climate change adaptation and mitigation measures.
Occupational health and safety knowledge, attitudes and practices of employees at an energy parastatal: Case of ZPC Munyati power station, Zimbabwe
An Investigation On Heat Stress Effects On Employee Health In Fast food outlets. A Case Study Of Bindura
Department of Environmental Science Knowledge, Attitudes , and Practices (KAP) OF FAES staff and students towards the banning of coal as a source of energy in developing countries
Acceptability of ecological sanitation in ward 14, Guruve district, Zimbabwe.
Knowledge, Attitude, And Practices Towards Covid 19 Vaccines Among students at Bindura University of Science Education.
Exploring the challenges faced by teenage girls living under Foster Care in selected Foster Homes in Seke Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe.
A study into knowledge, attitudes, and practices on occupational hazards and risks. A Case of diamond cement
Evaluation of contractor’s occupational safety and health management systems in the prevention of occupational accidents at Shamva Mine
Assessment of the causes of accidents amongst construction employees: A case study of Earthwave Construction Pvt
Evaluating a safety culture at a power generating organisation: case of Zimbabwe Power Company
Transition from OSHAS 18001 of 2007 to ISO 45001 of 2018 in the petroleum industry under resource-constrained settings: a SWOT-PESTEL analysis of NOIC Feruka, Zimbabwe
Challenges faced by small and medium motor vehicle repair companies in Bindura when complying with occupational health and safety laws
Knowledge, atitudes and practices on occupational health and safety issues in the mining industry. A case study of Freda and Rebecca Gold Mine
Showing 1 to 15 of 15 results