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Department of Crop Sciences
Department of Crop Sciences
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Developing Interventions To Optimize The Performance Of The Zimbabwe Cricket Senior Men’s Team In International Competitions
Effects of insect trap type and pheromone type on insect pest attraction in blueberries production.
Allelopathic effects of thorn apple (datura stramonium l.) Residues on germination and early seedling growth of sugar beans (phaseolus vulgaris).
Effects Of Adopting Aloe-Vera As A Root Hormone In Propagation Of Granadilla Cuttings Under Hydroponics And In A Soil Based System.
Effects Of Poultry Manure Application Rates On Growth And Yield Of Cucumber Varieties.
The effects of varying gibberelic acid (ga3) levels on germination and seedling growth in different wheat (triticum aestivum l) varieties.
Evaluating The Efficacy Of Bateleur Gold 650 Ec Flumetsulam (Triazolopyrimidine Sulfonanilide) And S-Metolachlor (Chloro-Acetanilide) As A Pre-Emergent Herbicide Used In Maize (Zea Mays)
The effects of drought on early growth and dry matter accumulation of various finger millet (eleusine coracana) cultivars.
An Evaluation Of The Effects Of Different Application Rates Of Pig Liquid Manure On Growth And Yield Of (Rape) Brassica Napus
Evaluation On The Effects Of Different Doses Of Ash In Controlling Fall Armyworm In Maize Production
Evaluating the influence of silicon on the growth and yield of maize (zea mays l) under limited water condition.
The Efficacy of Human Urine as Top Dressing Fertilizer on a medium season maturity white maize variety SC637
A survey on broiler production practices of small scale peri- urban farmers in Dema
Effects of compound D and ammonium nitrate fertilizer application rate on growth and yield of SC513 maize variety
Acceptability of ecological sanitation in ward 14, Guruve district, Zimbabwe.
Effectiveness of hermetic bags and botanical pesticides in reducing quantitative post-harvest losses of beans (Phaselous vulgaris)
Effects of different types of organic fertilizers on growth and yeild of tomatoes
Effect Of Variety And Nutrient Quantity Of Vermicompost On Growth And Yield Parameters Of Tobacco (Nicotiana Tabacum)
Effectiveness of brassica juncea as a biofumigant in controlling fusarium oxysporum fsp tuberosi in potatoes (Solanum Tuberosum)
Effect of split supplement foliar phosphorous application on growth and yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum).
An intermediate testcross performance of stress tolerant maize (ZEA MAYZ L) hybrids under stress and non -stress conditions.
The effects of lead wood (Combretum imberbe. L) on maize weevils (Sitophilus zeamais. L) in stored sorghum (Sorghum bicolor. L) GRAIN.
Allelopathic Effects of Thorn Apple (Datura Stramonium L.) Residues on Germination and Early Seedling Growth of Sugar Beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris)
Effects of Adopting Aloe-Vera as a Root Hormone in Propagation Ofgranadilla Cuttings Under Hydroponics and in a Soil Based System
Effects of Poultry Manure Application Rates on Growth and Yield of Cucumber Varieties
Showing 1 to 25 of 48 results
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