The Impact of Agriculture on Economic Growth in Southern Africa Development Community
- Author
- Sithole, Munashe
- Title
- The Impact of Agriculture on Economic Growth in Southern Africa Development Community
- Abstract
The source of economic growth has since been a subject of discussion in the global economy and most empirical results have yielded mixed results and sometimes conflicting evidence. This study seeks to re-examine the relationship between agricultural and economic growth for 14 African countries in Southern Africa Development Community in the period 2015-2018. The study applies panel data model in order to unravel the relationship between economic growth and agricultural production. Although the key relationship of interest is between real GDP growth and agriculture, one additional control variables was included in the estimated model. This research was carried out using secondary data. The regression analyses were performed using E-views statistical package. The Hausman test was carried out in order to select the appropriate computational model and the results were efficient under fixed effects. Moreover, the subjects included in the analysis are functionally identical. Results from the empirical analysis provide that there is a positive relationship between agricultural production and economic growth. This implies that improved agriculture expenditure in previous period in Southern Africa Development Community will generally increase economic growth in the current period. This confirms that agriculture in Southern Africa Development Community has positive impact on economic growth.
- Date
- 2022
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Agriculture
- Supervisor
- N/A
- Item sets
- Department of Economics
- Media
Munashe Sithole.pdf
Part of The Impact of Agriculture on Economic Growth in Southern Africa Development Community