Gaviyawo, Clare L.
An analysis of community participation in drought risk reduction. Chiveso Ward 13 Bindura District, Zimbabwe
Introduction: Drought is a serious problem globally and is caused by a lack of rainfall, resulting in arid conditions and serious water shortages. In addition, crop yields are reduced due to moisture deficiency resulting in food shortages and disease outbreaks. Several countries have been affected by drought in recent years. As a measure to reduce the impacts of drought, communities participate in drought risk reduction (DRR), and engage in sustainable farming practices and the implementation of community-based drought response plans. In the present study, the Chiveso community is a drought-prone area that experiences food insecurity. As such, the study seeks to evaluate the level of community participation in DRR.
Objectives: Thus, this study sought to determine the challenges and opportunities to community participation in drought risk reduction, determine factors that influence community participation in reducing the risk of drought, and determine the strategies used for community participation in reducing the risk of drought in Chiveso, ward 19.
Methodology: A mixed-methods research approach that incorporated both qualitative and quantitative methods was used. The research tools included questionnaires disseminated to 98 respondents and, in-depth interviews with key informants. This was meant to comprehend the perceptions attitudes and experiences of community members regarding drought risk reduction.
Results: opportunities for participating in DRR were food for work conservation (30.4%), and acquiring regalia (26.7%). The factors influencing participation in DRR were gender (X2 = 13.51; p = 0.002), age (X2 = 26.3; p = 0.000), and employment (X2 = 6.21; p = 0.012). Being formally employed (OR = 0.066; p = 0.048, 95% CI = 0.004, 0.981) also influenced participation in DRR. The most common DRR strategies were raising awareness (33.2%), providing resources (26.3%), and capacity building (20.9%). The most practiced methods to cope with the drought were planting drought-resistant crops (27.6%), reducing the cultivation area (19.4%), and improving the cultivation techniques (15.7%).
Recommendations: The government or NGOs should provide resources and support such as funding, and technical assistance to strengthen community participation in drought risk reduction. Also, encourage the youth, women, and the formally employed to participate in community drought risk reduction activities. In addition, indigenous knowledge should be integrated with recent technology to strengthen community drought risk reduction strategies.
Keywords: Drought, community participation, and drought risk reduction.
Drought, community participation, and drought risk reduction.
Dr Mnayangadze