Effectiveness of current interventions to gender based violence in Mufakose Ward 34
- Author
- Guva, Denis C.
- Title
- Effectiveness of current interventions to gender based violence in Mufakose Ward 34
- Abstract
The study focuses on the effectiveness of current interventions to gender-based violence in Mufakose Ward 34. Specifically it identified the prevalence of gender based violence in Mufakose ward 34, identified the current interventions to gender based violence in Mufakose and also examined the effectiveness of the interventions to gender based violence in Mufakose district .The research was done using both qualitative and quantitative data to obtain mixed data .The population consisted 30 people from the community as the other 5 failed to respond and key informants which include 2 GBV survivors , 2 police officers ,2 NGO representatives ,2 social workers and 2 health representatives. Snowball, random sampling and purposive sampling were used and data was collected with the use on interviews, questionnaires and documentary reviews. Data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics, narrative analysis and excel. From the finding on the prevalence of GBV in Mufakose Ward 34 with the use of parameters gender based violence mainly affects single young women and it is spread due to economic factors like poverty mainly and also other which include cultural norms and drug abuse and most common type of violence is physical violence .The current interventions identified in Mufakose Ward 34 include economic empowerment for instance skills trainings and financial assistance ,Health services for instance medical assistance ,forensic examination and physiological support ,educational programs like awareness campaigns and skills training and also legal reforms which include GBV police desk and protective orders .On the effectiveness of the interventions economic empowerment is most effective as it managed to change behaviors ,attitudes towards GBV in the area which are indicators for effective interventions followed by educational programs ,legal reforms and health services respectively. The research would recommend corruption to be dealt with which is affecting appropriate delivering of services by service providers, service provides to look for donor funds to support interventions implementations and organizations offering skills training should also help people to look for employment to mention but a few.
- Date
- May 2024
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Gender based violence intervention, behavioral chabge towards GBV
- Supervisor
- Dr Manyani
- Item sets
- Department of Geosciences
- Media
Part of Effectiveness of current interventions to gender based violence in Mufakose Ward 34