Factors affecting the adoption of Accounting Information Systems in schools.
- Author
- Kamwanza, Martha
- Title
- Factors affecting the adoption of Accounting Information Systems in schools.
- Abstract
- Effective administration of organizational and financial data with top-notch information systems is a must for successfully running an organization. Despite operating in a knowledge economy that is becoming more and more digital, schools in Bindura Town have been hesitant to implement information systems, and accounting information systems (AIS) in particular. The goal of this research was to explore the factors that affect the adoption of accounting information systems in schools in Bindura Town. In particular, the research aimed to determine how schools used accounting information systems in relation top management support, social influence, performance expectancy, facilitating conditions, and perceived ease of use. The unified theory of acceptance and application of technology, the diffusion of innovations theory, and the technology acceptance model served as the study's main pillars. The research design used in the research was descriptive. The supplied data was examined using descriptive statistics and SPSS.25 schools in Bindura Town made up the study's study population. Accounts clerks, bursars and headmasters in schools were the target of a prepared questionnaire for the study. Descriptive statistics (percentages, frequencies, means, and standard deviations) were used to analyze the collected data. Tables and figures were used to display the results. Based on these findings, the study suggests that any information system adoption process should take into account the attitudes and opinions of accountants. Additionally, the study suggests that when attempting to assist staff members with the adoption process. Top managers should always ask their staff for feedback and suggestions. They ought to include them in the decision-making process as well. Finally, the study suggests that in order to get the most out of any accepted system, personnel should be trained on how to utilize it before any AIS is implemented in a business.
- Date
- 2022
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Accounting Information Systems
- Effective administration
- Supervisor
- N/A
- Item sets
- Department of Accountancy
Part of Factors affecting the adoption of Accounting Information Systems in schools.