The impact of international public sector accounting standards (IPSAS) on financial reporting in public sector. A case of Marondera Municipality.
- Author
- Simango, Florence
- Title
The impact of international public sector accounting standards (IPSAS) on financial reporting in public sector. A case of Marondera
Municipality. - Abstract
The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of international public sector accounting
standards (IPSAS) on financial reporting in public sector, using a case of Marondera Municipality.
The research was based on the following objectives; to ascertain the factors affecting the
implementation and adoption of IPSAS in Marondera Municipality, to determine the influence of
IPSAS on financial reporting transparency and accountability in Marondera Municipality, and to
investigate the influence of IPSAS adoption to relevance, comparability and reliability of financial
statements in Marondera Municipality. A descriptive research design in the form of a case study
was used and this involved the usage of a self-administered questionnaire and interview to collect
primary data. The study comprised of a study sample of 28 employees at Marondera Municipality
which was selected using a purposive sampling technique. The research also concluded that that
the implementation of IPSAS in public sector reporting will result in quality reporting. The study
results showed that the adoption of IPSAS in public sector reporting is being affected by
implementation costs, the level of available technology and the training and skills required to adopt
IPSAS. Moreover, the findings showed that the adoption of IPSAS in public sector will improve
transparency and accountability of financial statements, relevance, comparability and reliability
of financial statements but will not curb corruption in public sectors. The study found out that
some African countries have completed the adoption process and the other countries are still in
progress of adopting IPSAS in public sector reporting. The researcher recommended the IPSASB
to keep on supporting public sectors with financial assistant so as to mitigate the implementation
challenges, improved communication and there have to be an increased number in training
programs for all stakeholders to improve the use of IPSAS in public sectors. The study concluded
that there's need to undertake the only International Accounting Standard in public zone reporting
as the researcher located out that it is miles prompted that the advantages will outweigh the fees of
enforcing IPSAS in public sector reporting. The study recommends that the public sectors to
engage in seminars, training programs for all the stakeholders - Date
- June 2021
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Public sector accounting
- Supervisor
- Mr. Masinire
- Item sets
- Department of Accountancy