Chitoro, Persistence
Child marriages in zimbabwe: catalysts, impacts and strategies to enhance girl child empowerment. Case of sohwe village, Muzarabani disrict, Zimbabwe
Child marriages that are also known as early marriages are a global issue that emerge with economic and health concerns. The problem is mainly dominated in developing countries for example Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ghana only to mention a few. The most recent data from UNICEF indicated that the percentage of child marriages in Zimbabwe is quite high. According to their figures, approximately thirty-one (31%) of girls in Zimbabwe are married before the age of eighteen years and around seven (7%) married before they turn fifteen (15) years of age This research investigated the intricate and dynamic nature of child marriage in Zimbabwe, with a focus on the Muzarabani District of Zimbabwe. A sample of fifty (50) people participated in the study. There were four (4) teachers by gender two (2) males and two (2) females, twenty (20) parents, by gender ten (10) males and ten (10) females, twenty-three (23) children aged nine to seventeen (9-17) years of age by gender eighteen (18) girls and five (5) boys, one (1) healthcare worker and one (1) community councilor and one (1) headman. By combining quantitative and qualitative data collection methods, including questionnaires, interviews, eye observation, focus group discussions, and direct quotations, the study aimed to understand the catalysts, impacts, and potential strategies for eradicating child marriages. According to the results the district early marriage rates were very high with main catalyst being poverty, peer influence, cultural beliefs and illiteracy of parents. It was discovered that early marriages mainly affected girls. Impacts as well as solutions to the impacts of child marriages were also discussed in the study. The major recommendations were that the government of Zimbabwe should increase raising awareness about the harmful effects of child marriage, strengthen policies and laws that protect girls from child marriage, develop community-based interventions that address the root causes of child marriage and engage traditional leaders and community members in dialogues and educational campaigns about the negative consequences of child marriage, emphasizing its impact on girls' health, education, and future prospects.
Key words: Child marriages, Catalysts; Impacts, Eradication, Girl child empowerment
JUNE 2024
Child marriages, Catalysts; Impacts, Eradication, Girl child empowerment
Dr Siziba