The Impact of Cybercrime in Retail Sectors in Zimbabwe: A Survey of Bindura CBD
- Author
- Waston Panashe Hunzwi
- Title
- The Impact of Cybercrime in Retail Sectors in Zimbabwe: A Survey of Bindura CBD
- Abstract
- Cybercrime has become a global problem afflicting businesses of all types in almost every sector, stimulating an uproar within all economies of the world, sparing none, even the developed. This study therefore sought to investigate its impact and to identify its prevalent crimes, assess the current measures of curbing it, and to make recommendations on the best strategies that can be implemented so as to mitigate cybercrimes within the retail sector. A descriptive survey was conducted on a sample of 41 representatives from the retail businesses in the Bindura CBD. Data was then analyzed using SPSS and Microsoft Excel software as analytical tools, an represented in graphical and tabular forms. Major impacts of cybercrime within the retail sector were loss of revenue which recorded the most acute impingement, loss of customers, data loss, high operating costs and legal consequences. It was then discovered that there is a correlation between the technological progression and the rise of cybercrimes due to the retail sector structures, therefore, stakeholders were recommended to adopt IT and cyber-policies (business), workshop and training programs, be innovative and engage in technological advancements with proper security features
- Date
- 2020
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Bindura CBD
- Cybercrime
- Supervisor
- N/A
- Media
Part of The Impact of Cybercrime in Retail Sectors in Zimbabwe: A Survey of Bindura CBD