Gatsi, Takudzwa
Exploring the role of irrigation schemes in improving food security. A case study of Rosa Irrigation scheme in Mazowe Rural District, ward 7
The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of the Rosa irrigation scheme in enhancing food security in the Mazowe district. It also aims to determine how irrigation practices improve food security among Rosa irrigation users. The Rosa irrigation scheme is located in Zimbabwe's Mazowe district, which was chosen due to its importance in agricultural production and potential impact on regional food security. Furthermore, the target population for this study is 34 people, including irrigation users, an AGRITEX officer, a council official from Mazowe Rural District, a ward councillor, and a village head. These key stakeholders were chosen based on their role and influence in the Rosa irrigation scheme. This study's data was gathered through interviews, focus group discussions (FDGs), structured and open-ended questionnaires, and direct observations. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the designated stakeholders to gather feedback on food security, challenges encountered, and opportunities for improvement within the irrigation project. The study's findings demonstrated the importance of the Rosa irrigation scheme in improving users' access to food. Using irrigation techniques has dramatically increased crop yields and ensured a more consistent supply of food all year. However, obstacles to further improving food security within the program were identified, including a lack of water, inadequate infrastructure, climate change, and limited market access. Furthermore, based on the findings, it is suggested that investments be made in irrigation infrastructure upgrades, sustainable farming practice training, and the establishment of market links for Rosa irrigation scheme products. Addressing these issues has the potential to improve food security outcomes and the socioeconomic status of irrigation users in Mazowe district.
MAY 2024
irrigation schemes, food security,Rosa Irrigation scheme
Dr Boora