Community Perceptions On The Impacts Of Drought On Community Development. A Case Of Chesa Ward 29
- Author
- Kupfuyamhandu, Tariro
- Title
- Community Perceptions On The Impacts Of Drought On Community Development. A Case Of Chesa Ward 29
- Abstract
This research aimed to explore community perceptions on impacts of drought on community development. The study was conducted in Chesa ward 29 in Mt Darwin which is small scale farms, where the people are experiencing drought and being affected. Questionnaire and key informants were used to gather data from the community and key informants like school heads, businessmen, church leaders, headmen, chief and councillor. The questionnaire assessed community on their perceptions on impacts of drought on community development, their attitudes on factors that contribute to the impacts of drought on community development and also how to improve their perceptions on drought. Key informant provided deeper insights into the reasons behind community’s perceptions on drought. The study found that 70% have positive thoughts on food insecurity as an impact of drought on community development and some were saying that water scarcity is the major impact of drought on community development. While 76.7% have negative attitudes on infrastructure damage as an impact of drought on community development. On community perceptions on factors that contribute to impacts of drought, 50% of the respondents have positive thoughts on ecological factor where most believed that rainfall follow mountainous areas, while 66.7% show their negative minds on poverty as a factor that contribute to the impacts of drought. Upon measures to improve community perceptions on impacts of drought most people percept education as most powerful measure. These findings are important for policy makers, farmers, development organisations, government and government agencies. Efforts on educating the community about drought should be taken serious to improve community’s thought on impacts of drought on community development as well causes of droughts. To conclude, understanding community perceptions on impacts of drought on community development is important in designing and implementing more targeted and effective inventions that build upon and strengthen community resilience and promote sustainable community development.
- Date
- JUNE 2024
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Community Perceptions,Community Development, Drought, Chesa
- Supervisor
- Dr Manyanyangadze
- Item sets
- Department of Geosciences
Part of Community Perceptions On The Impacts Of Drought On Community Development. A Case Of Chesa Ward 29