An analysis of the background factors to persistent child marriages in Rushinga District, Zimbabwe
- Author
- Rugoho,Zvikomborero M
- Title
- An analysis of the background factors to persistent child marriages in Rushinga District, Zimbabwe
- Abstract
- The concept of child marriage has had a number of things in consideration looking on the areas affected. This study focused on the assessment of background factors to child marriages in Rushinga District. It aimed at assessing the trend of child marriages involving the evaluation of the meaning of child marriage and the causes driving and at the same time unpacking the effects of the deadly practice and the measures by the interventions in child marriage reduction. The suggestion of the ways to curb the practice was also a concern to the study lastly. In the study was adopted the descriptive research design and the methods used to collected data involved F.G.Ds, open interviews and KIIs. The results revealed a meaning of child marriage as one, involving a below 18 year old child. Secondly, the background factors to child marriage in the district with a socio economic influence. Additionally factors as poverty, mining effects, proximity to the Mozambique boarder and technology to mention some were found as the main causes to child marriages. Moreover, the study highlighted of the effects imposed by child marriages, at the same time giving out other roles by interventions to avoid such. There were revealed the interventions by NGOs and by the Government itself. Furthermore the roles and effects of the intervention were explored, reducing poverty and providing education as key roles but at the same time with suggestions to see a total change and reduction in the exacerbation of child marriages after their interference. The discussion of the results from interviews and FGDs explored valuable insights to achieve reduced child marriages in the district revealing the connectedness between communities and the act with also the suggested measures. Last but not least, the study involved a few recommended issues as education of all genders, G & C lessons, plough back and to mention most importantly poverty eradication
- Date
- MAY 2024
- Publisher
- Keywords
- child marriages, Rushinga District,
- Supervisor
- Dr Musarandega
- Item sets
- Department of Geosciences
Part of An analysis of the background factors to persistent child marriages in Rushinga District, Zimbabwe