Combating Corruption In Public Hospitals (A Case Study Of Chimhanda District Hospital) 2021-2022.
- Author
- Richwell K Padzuru
- Title
- Combating Corruption In Public Hospitals (A Case Study Of Chimhanda District Hospital) 2021-2022.
- Abstract
- The study sought to identify corruption in public hospitals and how to combat it using Chimhanda District Hospital as a case study. The study's key objectives were to identify forms of corruption that are common in public hospitals, determine the impact of corruption on public hospital operations, examine the effectiveness of public hospital corruption control measures, and combat corruption in public hospitals. The study used both qualitative and quantitative research methods to achieve its goals. The study used a descriptive survey approach that includes depth interviews as well as questionnaire surveys. A sample size of 30 employees was used for the questionnaire, while the interviews had a sample size of 5 managers. For the interviews, purposeful sampling was used and stratified random sampling was adopted for the questionnaire. Microsoft Excel was used for data analysis. Findings of the research were exhibited in the form of tables, pie charts graphs. Data analysis showed that there is great impact of corruption and various forms of corruption are experienced at the district hospital. Employees pointed out bribery as the major form of corruption experienced. The employees felt that current anti-corruption control measures at the district hospital were ineffective. The study concluded that the public hospital should pay more attention to the causes of corruption because research has shown that the public hospital was experiencing various forms of corruption, so identifying the root causes of corruption can be the way to go because if they do not, the hospital ends up having a negative national image. The study recommended CDH the following recommendations to address corruption; effectiveness of regulatory and supervisory bodies, security controls, government intervention, encouragement of whistleblowing, criminalization of all corruption cases and raising public awareness.
- Date
- 2022
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Chimhanda District Hospital
- Corruption
- Supervisor
- N/A
Part of Combating Corruption In Public Hospitals (A Case Study Of Chimhanda District Hospital) 2021-2022.