Causes and contributory factors to home invasion Robbery Cases. A mixed study approach focusing on Harare South District, Zimbabwe.
- Author
- Robson Samu
- Title
Causes and contributory factors to home invasion Robbery Cases. A mixed study approach focusing on Harare South District, Zimbabwe.
- Abstract
- Triggered by a surge in home invasion robbery cases in Harare South suburbs in the recent past, the study sought to determine the causal factors behind this spike. Among the key objectives of the study was to determine the role of deviant behaviour, unemployment, CCTV, rogue police and social media on home invasion robbery cases. The practical significance of the study lay in its potential to inform policy and practice. By determining the causal and contributory factors to home invasion robbery cases, the study provides practical recommendations to decrease cases of home robberies thereby saving property and life and also improve the security of the general populace. The study was delimited to residents in Harare south suburbs and was underpinned by five theories on crime namely the situational crime prevention theory, the rational choice theory, the routine activities theory, the situational choice theory and the crime prevention through environmental design theory. Relevance of the study was premised on it using a mixed approach to data analysis, namely Pearson chi-square and thematic analysis. This was seen as novel based on literature accessed. A descriptive research design was used, this being seen as the most appropriate since it allowed the researcher to describe the events in detail. In terms of data collection, the study employed a dichotomous questionnaire targeting 300 residents in Harare south as well as focus group discussion and interviews on key informants such as councillors, residents association executives and police. The response rate from the administered data collection instruments was robust, thanks to the techniques employed in the exercise. Ethical issues were also addressed to the letter. Among other findings, it was noted that CCTV has a significant influence on home invasion robbery cases. The chi-square puts the significance level at the maximum (0.000). Among other recommendations, therefore, is that households in Harare south must install these gadgets as a robbery deterrent measure.
- Date
- June 2024
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Robbery
- Harare
- Supervisor
- N/A
- Media
Samu Robson.pdf