An investigation on the impact of e-procurement on the performance of an organisation. A case of the Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs (MOJLPA).
- Author
- Chimhondwa, Moreblessing
- Title
- An investigation on the impact of e-procurement on the performance of an organisation. A case of the Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs (MOJLPA).
- Abstract
- The focus of this study was on influence of e-procurement on the performance of an organisation. The research questions an objectives acted as guides in carrying out the study. The study adopted the mixed method and simple random sampling techniques to select 25 research participants from MOJLPA. Questionnaire and interviews were used to collect primary data and descriptive statistics were used for data analysis. The study revealed that e-procurement has been adopted and operationalised as indicated by 95.2% participants. The study found that e-procurement through e-sourcing, etendering, e-invoicing and e-actioning improves communication between the organization and new suppliers; increase coordination between buyers and suppliers; Increases transparency and data security; and improves as well as promote the establishment of an information sharing platform. The study established that, most of the challenges identified the participants included poor technology, poor access and connectivity to the internet, unskilled workforce, high software cost and poor IT systems, policies and procedures. The study established that, to effectively implement e-procurement, there is need for the improvement of the technological infrastructure through private-public partnership, maintenance of employee competence through knowledge and skills training, promotion and supporting an adequate legal environment and improvement of internet access through private-public partnership.
- Date
- July 2024
- Publisher
- Keywords
- e-procurement
- Supervisor
- Dr, Nkala
- Item sets
- Department of Economics