The Role Of Mobile Money Operators In Promoting Financial Inclusion. The Case Study Of Econet Wireless.
- Author
- Koroka Tilda
- Title
- The Role Of Mobile Money Operators In Promoting Financial Inclusion. The Case Study Of Econet Wireless.
- Abstract
- Worldwide financial inclusion has become the major aspect on talk in improving the services offered by banks. Therefore mobile money operators are striving to cooperate with banks in giving out unique services. Hence the study aims to look at the role of mobile money operators in promoting financial inclusion. The sub objectives were to examine economic factors affecting usage of mobile money services and these factors included urbanization, Gross Domestic Product, Infrastructure, Education and Interest rates. Examination of these discovered urbanization rate has more influence on financial inclusion in Zimbabwe. The other sub objective was to assess the usage behavior of mobile money services by mobile users. The researcher observed that more people uses Econet mobile services and have been loyal to the operator for so many years. Identifying challenges for using mobile money services for financial inclusion was another sub objective. Analysis shows that mobile user’s fails to initiate calls, failure to use USSD for services such as Ecocash and lastly failure to purchase bundles across due to network challenges. Finally, the last sub objective was to advise strategies for enhancing the use of mobile banking services for financial inclusion. Findings discovered that MMOs and banks should link their accounts in promoting financial inclusion. The researcher used both quantitative and qualitative method, took a descriptive research design and questionnaires were used. The study revealed that mobile money operators have a positive effect on financial inclusion.
- Date
- 2022
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Mobile Money
- Econet
- Promoting
- Operators
- Supervisor
- N/A
- Item sets
- Department of Banking and Finance
- Media