Determinants Of Internal Audit Effectiveness: A Case Study Of Bindura Municipality
- Author
- Rowesal Kumundati
- Title
- Determinants Of Internal Audit Effectiveness: A Case Study Of Bindura Municipality
- Abstract
- This research sought to investigate the determinants of internal audit effectiveness at the Bindura Municipality. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate; the contribution of management support, organizational independence, adequate and competent internal auditors staff and approved internal audit charter to Internal Audit Effectiveness. Theoretical, conceptual and empirical literature was presented to aid the understanding of the issues understudy. The research philosophy that guided the research was the post positivist research philosophy. The study adopted descriptive survey design in the form of a questionnaire survey and an in depth interview survey. The target population for the questionnaire survey was internal A-auditors and other workers whereas managements were selected for the in-depth interviews. Purposive and convenience sampling techniques were used to selected respondents for the depth interviews and questionnaire survey respectively. A sample size of 30 employees and other management staff were selected for questionnaires and internal auditor, town clerk, accountant, finance manager and credit control manager were selected for the interviews. According to the correlation output management support, organizational independence of internal auditors, the existence of adequate and competent IA staff and the availability of approved IA charter contributed to internal audit effectiveness at Bindura Municipality. Top management at Municipality need to put in place proper structures and resources to facilitate the efficiency and effectiveness of the IAFs. There should be training and hiring of IAF staffs with IT skills. In the same vein, IAFs need to be resourced with the required number and composition of staff so that it can manage the different risks that the organizational faces. Bindura Municipality should maintain the approved IA charter and workable manuals for their office because it directs the overall activities of the internal auditors in line with IIA standards and the office policies and guidelines. Further research could examine factors that influence the motivation of Internal Auditors in provinces.
- Date
- 2023
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Internal auditing
- Determinants
- Effectiveness
- Supervisor
- N/A
- Item sets
- Department of Banking and Finance
- Media
Rowesai Kumundati.pdf
Part of Determinants Of Internal Audit Effectiveness: A Case Study Of Bindura Municipality