Abortion Trends By Age At Makumbe District Hospital, Zimbabwe: A Timeseries Analysis
- Author
- Tinotenda Meza
- Title
Abortion Trends By Age At Makumbe District Hospital, Zimbabwe: A Timeseries Analysis
- Abstract
Abortion is regarded as a significant public concern in Zimbabwe, with many cases
occurring among young women. Understanding age-specific trends and predicting
future patterns is crucial for effective intervention and resource allocation. We analyzed
retrospective data on reported abortion cases from 2013 to 2023, stratified by age
group 15-24 years and 25 years and above. Time series analysis and ARIMA modeling
were performed using R Studio. The analysis revealed significant age-specific trends,
with a seasonal increase in abortion cases for both young woman (15-24 years) and
older woman (25 years and above).While both age groups showed an increase in
abortion cases, the young woman’s group had the highest and most pronounced pattern.
The ARIMA model predicted continued increase in abortions cases among all ages
which were under study. This study highlights the need for target interventions and
resource allocation to address the growing trend of abortion cases among young
women in Zimbabwe - Date
- June 2024
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Abortion
- Trends
- Age
- Supervisor
- Mr. D. Kanjodo
Part of Abortion Trends By Age At Makumbe District Hospital, Zimbabwe: A Timeseries Analysis