The prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in goats in Mumhurwi
- Author
- Eslyne Muchena
- Title
- The prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in goats in Mumhurwi
- Abstract
This study was conducted in Mumhurwi, Bindura District, particularly in small-holder farmersto determine the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in goats. The study was conducted from three villages in Mumhurwi namely Mapuranga, Nyamadzawo and Ruvanika. The researcher conducted this study because the researcher has come across many cases of goats showing signs of diarrhea, anemia and loss of body weight. The methodology used in this study is explanation research using laboratory techniques to study current prevalence cases of gastro-intestinal parasite of goats in Mumhurwi, Zimbabwe. The research collected fecal samples from 55 Mashona goats and transported the samples to the laboratory for examination. Each sample was labeled for easy identification. Researchers made examination of fecal using Direct Smear Fecal Exam and then used Light microscope for identification of parasite eggs and oocytes, with 10× or 40× objective magnification. The study revealed an overall prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in Mashona goats to be 72.72%, this implies that 40 samples were positive and 15 samples were negative of gastrointestinal parasites. The most prevalent parasites recorded in all the 40 positive cases were Coccidia and Haemonchus concontus with Coccidia (Eimeria spp) having 25 (45.5%) and Haemonchus 14 (25.45%). Researcher recommends making seasonal deworming to Mashona goats in small holders which will reduce the prevalence and incidence of gastro-intestinal parasites in goats.
- Date
- JUNE 2024
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Keywords- Mumhurwi, gastrointestinal parasites, goats, prevalence
- Supervisor
- Item sets
- Department of Animal Sciences
- Media
Eslyne Muchena
Part of The prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in goats in Mumhurwi