Epidemiology Of Theileriosis In Centenary District, Mashonaland Central
- Author
- Munyaradzi Mudare
- Title
- Epidemiology Of Theileriosis In Centenary District, Mashonaland Central
- Abstract
The study was conducted to assess the epidemiology of Theileriosis in Centenary district. A questionnaire was administered to 60 farmers that were randomly selected from cattle owners in ward 14. Data was analysed using statistical package for social sciences, (SPSS) Version 22.0 to generate summary statistics. The results showed that Theileriosis cases were high during the wet season that is between November and May and low during the dry months, that is June to December. However, Theileriosis cases were reported throughout the whole year. Theileriosis is rampant in all wards in the upper part of Centenary and there is no incidence of Theileriosis in the lower part of Centenary district. Dipping, season, acaricide availability, source of income and technical support significantly (p<0.05) affected control of Theileriosis. Herd size and level of education had no significant effect on control of Theileriosis in Centenary district. Theileriosis affected the livelihoods of farmers in Centenary district in so many ways. Many (42%) respondents indicated that Theileriosis affected their source of draft power where as some respondents (25%) indicated that their income was affected. In addition some (17%) respondents said that Theileriosis affected their diet since cattle are a source of meat and milk whilst others (8%) said that if affected growth of their crops since cattle are a source of manure. Few (8%) respondents were worried about their prestige. Theileriosis cases are high during the wet season and low during the dry months. However Theileriosis cases are reported throughout the whole year. The incidences of Theileriosis are rampant in all the wards in the upper part of Centenary and there is no incidence of Theileriosis in the lower part of Centenary district. It can be concluded that dipping, season, acaricide availability, source of income and technical support affects control of Theileriosis. Theileriosis affects the livelihoods of farmers. Farmers are recommended to adhere to regular dipping to avoid cattle losses. Government and partnering organisations must make sure that acaricides are in stock for communal dipping. Areas where Theileriosis is rampant must be prioritized.
- Date
- JUNE 2024
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Key Words: Centenary district, livestock mortality, Theileriosis
- Supervisor
- Dr. Allen Tapiwa Chikwanda and Mr Kizito Kunaka
- Item sets
- Department of Animal Sciences
- Media
Munyaradzi Mudare
Part of Epidemiology Of Theileriosis In Centenary District, Mashonaland Central