Assessments of roles of women in agricultural productivity in Mazowe District ward 9.
- Author
- Natasha Charity Mufanawejingo
- Title
- Assessments of roles of women in agricultural productivity in Mazowe District ward 9.
- Abstract
In many developing countries, women make major contributions to agricultural output, but their effort is typically disregarded and undervalued. The purpose of this study is to examine the obligations and contributions of women in Mazowe district to agricultural output. In Mazowe, this study uses a mixed-methods0approach that combines0household surveys, and key informant interviews to investigate how women participate in and influence crop production, livestock rearing, and other agricultural activities.The results demonstrate that women perform the majority of labor for important agricultural operations like planting, weeding, and crop harvesting. They are also primarily in charge of growing small animals and poultry that supply their households with nutrient-rich food and revenue. But when it comes to important productive resources like land, agricultural choices, and inputs, as well as the ensuing outputs and money from agriculture, males often have more control. The empowerment and productivity of women farmers are constrained by this. The results show that gender-sensitive policies0and initiatives are required to increase women's access to productive resources, improve their technical skills, and aid in their agricultural endeavors. By recognizing and increasing the crucial roles played by women, it is possible to significantly improve agricultural output, food security, and rural lives in the area. Overall, this dissertation underlines how important it is for the agricultural and economic growth of Mazowe District to support women farmers. The background, methodology, findings, and conclusions of a research looking into the varied roles played by women in agriculture in the Mazowe District.
- Date
- JUNE 2024
- Publisher
- Keywords
-contributions of women in Mazowe district to agricultural output
-nutrient-rich food and revenue
-food security - Supervisor
- Item sets
- Department of Agricultural Economics
Part of Assessments of roles of women in agricultural productivity in Mazowe District ward 9.