An assessment of online teaching and learning of Physics at Ordinary Level
- Author
- Zviuya, Nyembezi Ester
- Title
- An assessment of online teaching and learning of Physics at Ordinary Level
- Abstract
- The purpose of the study was to assess online teaching and learning of physics at ordinary level using a case of a selected school in Mberengwa District, Zimbabwe. The objectives of the study were to determine the tools used by teachers and learners for online teaching and learning of physics at Ordinary level, to identify the challenges faced by teachers and learners during online teaching and learning and suggest possible solutions to mitigate these challenges. The researcher used a qualitative approach. A qualitative case study design was used. From a population of 50 participants, 5 were teachers 45 were students from junior secondary to Ordinary level. To obtain data the researcher used questionnaire survey, focus group discussion and interviews for the research participants. Data collected was analysed using descriptive statistics to report commonly held view. Qualitative data was analysed using thematic and narrative analysis. The researcher found out that the major challenges were poor network connectivity, no network in some areas, expense of data bundles such that some students could not afford to go online for e-learning, some students did not have gadgets that could connect to the internet and lack of knowledge on how to use the virtual learning platforms. The researcher concluded that students had a negative attitude towards learning Physics online and teachers did not attend to individual differences during online teaching and learning. The researcher recommends that multiple training workshops should be held in order to increase the student and teacher awareness of online teaching and assessment and teachers should be provided with financial help in the form of loans to improvise equipment that are difficult to get and not wait for the institution to provide everything. If implemented well all these may lead learners’ change of attitude towards the learning of Physics through online platforms.
- Date
- 2022
- Publisher
- Keywords
- O level Physics
- Online Learning
- Supervisor
- Dr. Zezekwa, N.
Part of An assessment of online teaching and learning of Physics at Ordinary Level