An Assessment into Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices in the Use of Fuel Efficient Stoves (Tsotso Stoves) in Manhenga Communal Area
- Author
- Masarakufa, Ardelaide V
- Title
- An Assessment into Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices in the Use of Fuel Efficient Stoves (Tsotso Stoves) in Manhenga Communal Area
- Abstract
- Climate change has been an interest topic for many researchers during the past years and it has been discovered that it is being caused by natural factors and anthropogenic factors which include expansion of agricultural land due to increased population, urbanisation, deforestation to mention but just a few. Deforestation as one key drivers of climate change is primarily a concern in developing countries and in trying to curb it the use of fuel efficient cook stoves is being implemented. However in order for this fuel efficient cook stoves to be fully adopted it is important to look into knowledge, attitudes and practices on the use of them. The study made use of questionnaires to collect data from 85 participants regarding their demographic characteristics, knowledge, attitudes and practices. Interviews were also used were clarification was needed. SPSS version 23 and Microsoft Excel were utilised for data analysis. SPSS version 23 was employed for data analysis. Responses were categorised as very good for the average score above 70%, fairly good for the average of above 50% and poor for the scores below 50%. 23.3% of the respondents were male and 75.6% were female. The average scores for knowledge, attitudes and practices were 71.4%, 58.8% and 26. % respectively this indicated that people have knowledge on fuel efficient cook stoves and their attitudes towards the use of fuel efficient cook is fair. On practices the score was very poor and it indicated that most of the participants are not using stoves. This was mainly because tsotso stoves are not durable and they destroy pots. There were significant relations between knowledge, attitudes practices and socio-economic variables. There was a (P=0.02, ᵪ2 =17.910, df = 8) significant association between age and the perception that women benefit more from using FES. There was a (p=0.00, ᵪ2= 96.114, df = 9) significant association between education and the fact that climate change can act as a climate change mitigation measure. Based on the results of the KAP survey it was discovered that there is a high level of knowledge about tsotso stoves among the respondents but there is low level of practicing the use of fuel these fuel efficient stoves. This suggests that there’s a gap between awareness and behaviour when it comes to the adoption of tsotso stoves. The use of fuel efficient stoves (Tsotso Stoves) has a great potential to fight against deforestation, but in order to have a greater impact, wider dissemination must take placeThere’s need for further education and awareness-raisings through training and awareness campaigns. The construction of tsotso stoves need to be improved by replacing materials which are being used with some durable materials so as increase their life span since it will encourage the adoption of tsotso stoves. The fuel efficient stove program should continue, and efforts should be made to spread the stove's use, to make this happen the responsible departments must be equipped with resources to initiate more programs of fuel efficient stoves. Further research is needed to better understand the reasons why people are not using tsotso stoves.
- Date
- 2023
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Climate change,
- Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices i
- Fuel Efficient Stoves (Tsotso Stoves)
- Supervisor
- N/A
- Item sets
- Department of Natural Resources
- Media
- Masarakura - NRM.pdf