Non-Timber Forest Products and Rural Livelihood in Ward 4 of Matepatepa Bindura Mashonaland Central, Zimbabwe
- Author
- Mapeto, Tariro. L
- Title
- Non-Timber Forest Products and Rural Livelihood in Ward 4 of Matepatepa Bindura Mashonaland Central, Zimbabwe
- Abstract
The role played by non-timber forest products in enhancing rural livelihood has been recognised
all over the world. Non-timber forest products greatly contribute to medicine provision, income
generation and enhances cultural values. A study was done in WARD 4 in Matepatepa Bindura to
determine socio-economic contribution of NTFPs. Results showed that about five types of nontimber forest products were harvested in this area including wild fruits, medicinal plants, honey,
fiber and vegetables and these contributed to the local people’s livelihoods in form of food (90%),
thatching grass (57%), medicines (53.3%) and rituals and ceremonies (35%). Species like Parinari
curatellifolia and Phragmites australis are used for rituals and ceremonies. Although the forest
products played a crucial role, their harvesting had a negative impact of soil and land degradation.
There is need to train local people in sustainable forest management to maximize forest production
potential. Training includes sustainable NTFP harvesting techniques. - Date
- 2023
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Non-Timber Forest Products
- Rural Livelihood
- Supervisor
- Dr. Mujuru
- Item sets
- Department of Natural Resources
- Media
- Mapeto - NRM.pdf