Buzuzi, Spiwe.
Chapanda, Nyasha Kudzai .
Machadu, Bertha.
Maruta, Norma.
Investigating the Impact of Hands-On
Experiments on Biology Education: A Case
Study of ordinary level students at Mutsonzowa Secondary School in Zvimba District, Mashonaland West Province.
This study is found on the backdrop of Investigating the Impact of Hands-On Experiments
on Biology Education. Biology education holds a crucial position in secondary schools as
it serves as the foundation for students' comprehension of living organisms and their
interactions with the environment. Despite some researchers exploring the impact of hands
on teaching on science subjects, including notable innovations and discoveries, there
remains a research gap regarding the effectiveness of hands-on experiments in teaching
biology to ordinary level students. The study aims to investigate the current status of hands
on experiments in teaching biology, their effectiveness in enhancing students' understanding
of biology concepts, the challenges faced in implementing them, and strategies to improve
their implementation. Biology has a special place in the curriculum of educational
institutions. Numerous science-related courses, including those in biochemistry, medicine,
pharmacy, agriculture, nursing, and other fields, heavily rely on biology. This research
targets only a population of participants who happen to be ordinary level students at
Mutsonzowa Secondary School in Zvimba District, Mashonaland West Province. A sample
of 70 participants was selected to ensure the inclusion of all members with required
experiences related to the impact of Hands-On Experiments on Biology Education. Summing
up this research, the value of hands-on experiments towards students’ learning process and
academic improvement were shown in various data collected. The bulk of the data collected
had shown positive results in most of the areas. As a result, this study has demonstrated that
hands-on experiments promote students’ knowledge and builds on their intrinsic impetus.
The study found that when teachers use hands-on activities in a constructive way, students
become more engaged, creative, critical thinkers, and first-hand skills are developed, and
the teaching and learning process becomes more efficient. Based on the results of this study,
the researcher suggests that Bruner's theory of teaching in science learning be investigated
further using practical trials. Further study should involve other Ordinary level students
within the district and other districts as well as their Provinces, with a view to comparing
the results with this research which are only in Zvimba District.
Ordinary learners
W Munakandafa