An assessment of factors affecting the teaching and learning of “O” level physics practical work.
- Author
- Chauraya, Millicent.
- Title
An assessment of factors affecting the teaching and
learning of “O” level physics practical work. - Abstract
The study sought to make an assessment of factors affecting the teaching and learning of “O”level physics practical work. The study objectives were to ascertain how much secondary school
physics instructors and students were aware of the benefits of including practical work into
instructions. Secondly, to determine barriers that prevented teachers and students from doing
practical work effectively for teaching and learning. Lastly, to suggest solutions to the problems
teachers and students faced while attempting to implement the proper use of practical work in
teaching and learning. The researcher adopted an interpretivism philosophy and a case study
design was used in the study. The researcher used 1 focus group discussion which had a total of
11 participants, interviews (3 teachers and 1 head of department) and documentary analysis. The
study found among others that hands-on learning experiences in physics had a wide range of
benefits for students which included improved understanding, retention, critical thinking and
motivation. The study found that although teachers were specialized in physics, they had less
experience in the teaching of the subject and the majority had diplomas and needed to upgrade.
Overall, it was found that limited resources and equipment, time constraints, lack of teacher
training and support, safety concerns, limited student engagement and motivation, limited access
to technology, and limited funding. Additionally, the study established that technology provided visual aids and simulations which helped learners understood complex concepts. It was found that traditional lectures and hands-on experiments, virtual simulations, and project-based approaches were all effective methods for teaching practical work in physics. Traditional methods helped students understand concepts and apply them in real-world situations, while those virtual simulations allowed students to experiment with different scenarios and see results in real-time. Among several recommendations, the study recommended government through the Ministry of primary and secondary education to mobilize funds towards resources needed in the teaching and learning of physics practical work in secondary schools. - Date
- 2024
- Publisher
- Keywords
- physics practical work
- assessment
- factors
- teaching and learning
- ‘O’ level.
- Supervisor
- Dr N. Zezekwa
- Media
Millicent Chauraya
Part of An assessment of factors affecting the teaching and learning of “O” level physics practical work.