Integration of ICT in physics education : Curent Practices, Trends, Challenges. Case study of 4 Secondary Schools in Buhera District
- Author
- Chigumbate, B.
- Title
Integration of ICT in physics education : Curent Practices, Trends, Challenges. Case study of 4
Secondary Schools in Buhera District
- Abstract
The study focused at the integration of ICT in the physics education: current practices, trends
and challenges. The research objectives looked at the examination of the current practices of
ICT integration in physics education, identification of emerging trends in ICT integration in
physics education, analysing the challenges and barriers to effective ICT integration in physics
education and exploring strategies and best practices for overcoming challenges in ICT
integration. The research used a quantitative research approach. The population of the study
consists of physics teachers. The researcher used random sampling technique. The researcher
used interview guide in interviewing school head, physics teachers and science schools
inspector. A total of ten completed the responses from the interview. The researcher in carrying
out the research made sure that they follow research ethics. The results indicated that physics
teachers has low integration of ICT in the teaching and learning of physics, internet and ICT
gadgets are the emerging trends which can be used in the teaching and learning of physics,
teachers have challenges in the integration of ICT in the teaching and learning of physics and
there is need for teacher capacitation programs so as to equip teachers with essential ICT skills
which they can integrate them in the teaching and learning. The study recommends teachers
should be provided with teacher capacitation programs such as those sponsored by Ministry
of Primary and Secondary Education in conjunction with UNESCO, teachers should be
provided with in-house workshops and seminars so as to equip teachers with ICT skills meant
to support for the integration of ICT in physics and there is need for retrain of teachers who
has been certified with education qualification way back before the introduction of ICT incolleges and universities - Date
- 2024
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Integration of ICT
- Secondary School
- Supervisor
- Dr Mudzamiri E