Investigating gender disparities in mathematics performance at Shumbairerwa and Chesvingo Secondary schools in Gutu District.
- Author
- Chitsamatanga, M. S.
- Title
- Investigating gender disparities in mathematics performance at Shumbairerwa and Chesvingo Secondary schools in Gutu District.
- Abstract
This study aimed to investigate the underlying factors contributing to the observed gender disparities in mathematics performance among learners at Chesvingo and Shumbairerwa secondary schools under Mutero cluster of Gutu district. Prior research has indicated that female students in these contexts often underperform relative to their male counterparts in mathematics, which can have significant implications for their future educational and career trajectories.
The study employed a mixed-methods approach, incorporating both quantitative analysis of student test scores and qualitative interviews with students, teachers, and school administrators.
Potential contributing factors which were explored included differential access to quality mathematics instruction, sociocultural norms and expectations around gender roles, availability of same-sex
mathematics teacher role models, and resource constraints within rural school environments. Based on the findings, the research also identified and evaluated potential interventions to
address the identified causes of gender gaps. Strategies which were considered included teacher
training programs, mentorship initiatives, community outreach, and policy changes to promote
greater gender equity in mathematics education.
The results of this study were expected to provide important insights to educators, policymakers,
and local stakeholders seeking to enhance mathematics learning outcomes and expand
educational and career opportunities for female students in rural Zimbabwe. The findings could also inform similar efforts in other developing country contexts facing persistent gender disparities in STEM fields. - Date
- 2024
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Gender disparities
- Mathematics
- Supervisor
- Dr. Chagwiza
- Media