Gender differences in stem participation and attainment within Goromonzi district
- Author
- Title
Gender differences in stem participation and attainment within Goromonzi district
- Abstract
This study presents gender differences in STEM participation and attainment within Goromonzi District. Through mixed method approach including document analysis, questionnaires, interviews and case study. Research has found out that boys and girls are equally capable of succeeding in STEM fields, but that girls are less likely to choose STEM
carries due to stereotypes about gender roles. They may be less likely to pursue STEM carriers because they view them to be less masculine or too difficult. Additionally, girls may have lower self-efficacy in STEM subjects due to stereotypes about woman's ability in these fields. These are disparities in STEM participation and attainment among boys and girls in Secondary schools. For example, boys are more likely than girls to pursue STEM majors in college and
they're are likely to graduate with STEM degrees. Therefore, this study seeks to assess gender
differences in STEM participation and attainment within Goromonzi District . - Date
- 2024
- Publisher
- Keywords
- gender differences
- Supervisor
- Dr G. Sunzuma
- Media
Fadzai Angeline Dzagonga
Part of Gender differences in stem participation and attainment within Goromonzi district