Integrating Indigenous Knowledge into Ordinary Level Biology learning activities at Epworth High School
- Author
- Madungwe, J.
- Title
- Integrating Indigenous Knowledge into Ordinary Level Biology learning activities at Epworth High School
- Abstract
- This study investigated the integration of Indigenous Knowledge (IK) into the Ordinary Level Biology teaching and learning. The data generation, analysis and discussion done employing interpretivist paradigm and qualitative approach. The purposively sampled participants in the study involves 12 sciences teachers. In generating data, the following methods were used document analysis and interviewing the selected participants. The data was analyzed thematically to uncover the emergent patterns and insights. The findings it was noted that the participants considered the integration of IK into Ordinary Level Biology as something important in teaching and learning. It was also noted that IK was integrated into Ordinary Level Biology teaching through problembased learning, individual assignments, educational tours, etc. The participants also advanced that in the integration of IK into Ordinary Level Biology teaching and learning some challenges wereencountered. From the findings it can be concluded that despite the existence of numerous challenges that were encountered on integrating IK into Ordinary Level Biology teaching and learning, it plays an important role in enhancing learners’ interaction with their environment. Based on the findings it was recommended that funds be availed for the documentation of IK and its importance in STEM education.
- Date
- 2024
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Indigenous Knowledge
- Ordinary Level Biology
- learning
- Supervisor
- Dr. P. Chikuvadze
- Media