Challenges faced by form 2 learners in solving algebraic word problems in selected secondary schools in Chikomba District, Mashonaland East province
- Author
- Madzivanzira, N.
- Title
- Challenges faced by form 2 learners in solving algebraic word problems in selected secondary schools in Chikomba District, Mashonaland East province
- Abstract
Algebraic word problems are a fundamental aspect of mathematics education and effective problem-solving. Despite their importance, learners often find these problems particularly challenging and struggle to grasp them. This study seeks to identify the specific challenges faced by Form 2 learners in solving algebraic word problems in selected secondary schools within Chikomba District. The study involved 60 volunteers from four schools, and a mixed methods research design was employed. The research utilized a questionnaire, consisting of both open- and closed-ended questions, which was administered to the learners after obtaining formal permission from their parents or guardians. Data were analysed using MS Excel and PAST software. Analysis of mathematics pass rates between 2017-2022 revealed that the national mathematics pass rates in Zimbabwe, excluding 2017, have fluctuated between 17% and 20%. However, the pass rates from the sampled schools are persistently lower than the national average. The data indicates that students generally do not perceive mathematics as essential for their future success, which is concerning given their already negative attitudes towards the subject. In particular, there is a consistent negativity towards solving algebraic word problems, with many students
acknowledging the difficulties they face, often citing a lack of textbooks as a major issue. The otherchallenge that was mentioned include the difficult nature of algebraic word problems.
Learners also mentioned that the teaching methods were unclear. The researcher suggests practical
teaching strategies for improving the instruction of algebraic word problems in Chikomba District's secondary schools. These strategies are based on the attitude of the teacher; integration of technology; simplifying mathematical jargon; mentoring students and learner centred approach. Conducting this study enables these issues to be documented to provide data for that may assist the education policy makers to assist schools particularly the marginalised ones so that they are capacitated to producing better results at national level. - Date
- 2024
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Supervisor
- Mr Ngwenya
- Media