An investigation into challenges encountered by ordinary Level students at Bosha Secondary School
- Author
- Masuku, V.F.
- Title
An investigation into challenges encountered by
ordinary Level students at Bosha Secondary School - Abstract
- The study focused on Bosha Secondary School in Goromonzi District. It focused on the trends, precipitating factors and responses to interventions aimed at addressing challenges in the learning of ordinary level Mathematics in Goromonzi District within the period 2021 to 2023. It was guided by the following objectives; to determine the socio- economic challenges faced by the students at Bosha Secondary school, to explore teacher related challenges being encountered in teaching of Mathematics at Bosha Secondary School and to determine school related challenges being faced in study of Mathematics by ordinary level learners at Bosha Secondary School. A descriptive survey research design was utilised. Three thousand (3 000) Bosha village residents made up the population for this study. The location of this study is Bosha Village under the purview of Chief Chikwaka in Goromonzi District. Bosha Secondary School was selected because of the significant challenges being faced by Ordinary Level Mathematics students in the course of their studies. The researcher selected eighty one (81) participants from the population. The participants for the research were drawn from the school and key stakeholders these were namely, sixty ordinary level Mathematics students, four teachers, one head of department, the headmaster and 9 Bosha Village residents. The researcher gathered data from respondents using questionnaires and interviews. It was found that student socio economic factors and school related resource deficiencies played a major role in poor educational outcomes. It was recommended that a multi stakeholder approach in addressing learning challenges encountered by ordinary level students be enhanced
- Date
- 2024
- Publisher
- Keywords
- challenges
- learning
- ordinary level
- Supervisor
- Dr Mangwende
- Media
Part of An investigation into challenges encountered by ordinary Level students at Bosha Secondary School