Challenges of streaming form three (3)combined science students–a case of one secondary school in Harare South.
- Author
- Matseketsa, N.
- Title
- Challenges of streaming form three (3)combined science students–a case of one secondary school in Harare South.
- Abstract
- This study examined the challenges of streaming form 3 combined science students in Harare South. The objectives of the study are to investigate the problems of streaming pupils in secondary schools in Zimbabwe particularly those studying combined sciences. The study aims as well to understand the streaming mechanisms at one school in Zimbabwe. In order to fulfil the objectives of the study, the survey used qualitative research methodology to get an in -depth analysis. A total of 17 participants are selected from the administrators, teachers and combined science students with the experience in the field of teaching and learning. The major findings of the research study reveal that those pupils in high performing classes felt that streaming should be any on-going exercise as it promotes cooperation, hardworking and good results and yet those in the lower streams had negative attitudes towards streaming. Learners placed in low ability classrooms believed that teachers and learners in high ability class discriminate and label them. Mixed ability is recommended for the purpose of destroying social conflict in schools, stereotypes and complexes. Teachers should motivate pupils to work in groups helping each other and give them more work for better practice
- Date
- 2024
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Streaming students
- Challenges
- Supervisor
- Dr. H. Chinhara
- Media