Evaluating the relationship between Technology and HR practices: case of Cleanlily company.
- Author
- Gozhora , Chipo
- Title
Evaluating the relationship between Technology and HR practices: case of Cleanlily company.
- Abstract
Use of technology in the department of HR is very important because it brings efficiency and effectiveness, increase of speed on calculations, decision making, helps in the recruiting of talent for the organization. It helps HRs to concentrate more on the core activities of the company at the same time it makes work more enjoyable thus on its own it increases production. Since the industry is experiencing changes each and every day there is need for organizations to adopt technologies in the HR department. Failure to do so it creates it becomes a burden to the HRs on administration work, there is slowness, in accurateness especially on the calculation of payroll, hiring becomes difficult as it can result in hiring talentless and unskilled employees who can drain the resources of the organization through training. However at the same time HRs are facing challenges on adopting HR technologies because the top management constantly demand to see if adopting e-HR systems is not a waste of company resources since they need to be upgraded monthly , yearly and so on especially at times like these where the economy is unstable. The research therefore sought to evaluate the positive effects of technology on HR practices. A sample of 52 employees was drawn these included HRs, training officers, administrators and procurement. Additionally, the researcher employed random sampling method so as to be able to at least get a representative from all departments to produce valid results which can be generalized. Questionnaires and Interviews were used by the researcher in the collection of data. There was also use of secondary source like financial reports so as to see if the company was making profit or not. On data presentation, the researcher utilized graphs, pie chats as well as tables. The information collected was then analysed. The research established that there is a positive relationship between technology and HR practices. The study also noted that there are benefits associated in using technology in the HR department these are efficiency and effectiveness, quick decision making, it makes the job easier for HRs, reduce costs of hiring, hiring of talented employees, and accurateness in doing calculations. The observations of the study shows that use of technology is the key to high production and to gain competitive advantage in this 21st century since the industry is changing very fast.
Recommendations of the study were that there is need for a policy which supports the adoption of e-HR in the organization, provide training to IT staffs as well as HRs on the new technologies, and embrace the new culture of technologies in the HR department as well as the top viii
Management to provide funds in the buying of equipment for HR technologies and every department should participate in the implementation of e-HR systems.
- Date
- June 2022
- Publisher
- Keywords
- technology in Human Resources
- Supervisor
- Item sets
- Department of Human Capital Management
- Media
Chipo Gozhora.pdf
Part of Evaluating the relationship between Technology and HR practices: case of Cleanlily company.