The challeges faced by teachers in teaching guidance and counselling to secondary school students. A case of Makande High School, in Kanyati Cluster, Kariba District, Mashonaland West
- Author
- Mushangwe, T.
- Title
- The challeges faced by teachers in teaching guidance and counselling to secondary school students. A case of Makande High School, in Kanyati Cluster, Kariba District, Mashonaland West
- Abstract
- The purpose of the current study was to obtain an in depth understanding of the problems faced by teachers in teaching guidance and counselling at Makande Secondary school in Kanyati Cluster in Kariba District The sample of the study consisted of teachers, learners and school heads in the cluster. Data was collected by the use of questionnaires and observations. A stratified random sampling method was used to pick out respondents. This enabled all the learners and teachers at different schools and levels to be represented. School heads were selected using convenience sampling. By virtue of being a head of a selected school then one became automatically qualified as a participant. The sample of four teachers, including one member from the school administration and sixteen students, four per form, from each school was chosen from each school. Therefore, the sample comprised of twenty people from one school to make them sixty. From the study, the researcher found out that there is need for guidance and counselling in secondary schools to help learners with choice of subjects and choice of careers as well as general learner discipline and better performance. The researcher also found out that G&C is either not being done or ineffectively done in schools because of the following reasons; lack of resources, heavy workloads for teachers as well as skills shortage and lack of support from the ministry and administration. Therefore, the study recommends that support be given to teachers in form of resources which include textbooks, syllabi, timetabling as well as training to give teachers the necessary skills. There is also suggestion that G&C lessons be given to a teacher as part of normal teaching load as opposed to add it on top of normal teaching load. Also making G&C an examinable subject can assist in making it taken more seriously thereby resources channeled towards the subject.
- Date
- 2024
- Publisher
- Keywords
- guidance and counselling
- Supervisor
- Dr. Makuvire
- Media