The Effectiveness of Using ICT in the Teaching and Learning of Chemistry at Chamanhanzva High School in Chivi District.
- Author
- Mutangi, I.
- Title
- The Effectiveness of Using ICT in the Teaching and Learning of Chemistry at Chamanhanzva High School in Chivi District.
- Abstract
- This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of ICT in the teaching and learning of ordinary level Chemistry. The research used the qualitative research paradigm and the phenomenological research design. A purposive sampling procedure was used for this study because the researcher wanted the sample well represented and to obtain rich information from participants of diversified backgrounds. Research data for the study was collected through interviews and focus group discussions. The sample consisted of twenty participants who were male teachers and female teachers, Form 3 and Form 4 boys and girls. Findings from the research revealed that there is a low level of utilisation of ICT in the school. This study revealed that there are hindrances from the pupils, teachers and the school to using ICT in teaching Chemistry at Ordinary Level of education. In terms of the effects of ICT on students’ engagement, understanding, and performance in Chemistry the research revealed negative and positive impacts. Positive effects noted were an increase in pupils’ performance resulting from the change of attitude and perceptions of pupils towards Chemistry and an improvement in lesson attendance. ICT was also hailed for promoting a learner-centred approach to learning. Moreover, the research findings also reveal the pupils developed creativity through the use of ICT gadgets in learning Chemistry. In line with the research findings, the study recommends that schools and stakeholders should support Chemistry learning materially and financially. Both pupils and teachers need ICT gadgets and an internet connection. Other key recommendations include curriculum improvement to allow full integration of ICT in Chemistry lessons. The research further encouraged schools to offer opportunities to pupils and teachers teaching Chemistry to familiarise themselves with real-life applications of Chemistry in industries, pharmacies and places where there is applied Chemistry. The research suggested further study into gamified learning concepts for Ordinary-Level classes and the effectiveness of virtual laboratories.
- Date
- 2024
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Teaching and Learning
- Chemistry
- Supervisor
- Mrs T Mukabeta
- Media