Effects of human resource practices and employee discontentment on service delivery. case of Bindura municipality.
- Author
- Dzimbanhete, Edmore
- Title
Effects of human resource practices and employee discontentment on service delivery. case of Bindura municipality.
- Abstract
- This research project sought to explore the effects of Human Resource Management (HRM) practices on employee discontentment and its effects on service delivery at Bindura Municipality. The objectives of the study were to assess the extent to which different Human Resource Management practices lead to employee discontentment at Bindura municipality, to determine the effects of employee discontentment on service delivery at Bindura Municipality, to establish how employee perception of Human Resource Management practices affects their performance towards service delivery and to establish recommendations from employees on ways to improve Human Resource Management practices to enhance service delivery at Bindura Municipality. The research methodology involved a comprehensive literature review, quantitative and qualitative data collection through interviews, surveys, questionnaires and statistical analysis of the data, thus a descriptive survey design was adopted in this study. A sample of ninety (90) employees was drawn from the total target population of 300 employees at Bindura Municipality, four (4) of which are top management employees, nine (9) are middle managers and eighty-six (86) are non-managerial employees. In order to find assess service delivery levels at Bindura Municipality, ten (10) residents were also interviewed in different unstructured interview sessions. The techniques which were used to draw the participants and respondents are simple random technique and convenience technique. Four interviews were conducted with senior management and documentary evidence was generated from menus, minutes and reports. The presentation and analysis of the findings was done using tables, chats and graphs. The results revealed that the majority of the respondents (employees) were discontented at Bindura Municipality and this affected service delivery to a larger extent. Therefore, the study recommends on how to improve human resource management practices to enhance employee satisfaction and mitigate its negative impact on service delivery
- Date
- June 2023
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Human Resource Management, employee discontentment
- Supervisor
- Dr. Jakata
- Item sets
- Department of Human Capital Management
- Media
Edmore Dzimbanhete.pdf