Stakeholder Perceptions Of The Use Of Underground Bins As A Strategy To Address Municipal Solid Waste Challenges In Ruwa
- Author
- Dimingu, Tanyaradzwa
- Title
- Stakeholder Perceptions Of The Use Of Underground Bins As A Strategy To Address Municipal Solid Waste Challenges In Ruwa
- Abstract
- The study evaluated the perceptions of Stakeholders of the underground bins as a strategy to address municipal solid waste challenges in Ruwa Mavambo shopping Centre. The United Nations Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development’s Agenda 21 action program in 1992 underscored the importance of environmentally responsible waste management practices for preserving the planet’s environment and promoting sustainable development (Hodgson, 2023).Qualitative and quantitative analysis was engaged in data collection to gain a holistic approach. A questionnaire comprising open and close-ended questions was run to stakeholders and they were all accomplished for analysis. Interviews were also used to source information from the key informants. While 10% of the respondents were not aware of the underground bins in Ruwa Mavambo, 90% of the households were aware and they correctly recognized underground bins technology and its benefits.The study used a sample size of 132 respondents. It acknowledged the perception of the stakeholders around the Ruwa Mavambo shopping center towards the underground bins in managing solid waste. It revealed that most people which is 90% of the population view the underground bins as effective in managing solid waste. According to the respondent's information, it showed that the underground bins were effective but however they only catered to a few people hence there is a need for cooperation and collaboration to put the underground bins in most places in Zimbabwe as they are effective and efficient in dealing with the never-ending problem of waste management Research findings show the effects both positive and negative of underground technology. In assessing the underground effects, the study depicted that there is a need for community engagement, cooperation and collaboration, priority, and monitoring of the underground bins so that they remain working and sustainable.
- Date
- MAY 2024
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Underground Bins,Solid Waste Challenges, Ruwa
- Supervisor
- Dr Chanza
- Item sets
- Department of Geosciences