Chikurunhe,Wonekayi Alexander
Assessing the relationship between human resources information systems and organizational performance. A case of Ecocash Holdings.
The purpose of the research was to assess the effects of Human Resources Management Information Systems (HRIS) on organizational performance. The quantitative approach was deployed by the researcher. Stratified convenient sampling was used to select the participants to the. The targeted sample size was a total of 26 individuals. The sample frame was a total of 30 employees. With regards to the data extraction process, both primary and secondary sources were used to compile data. The use of physically distributed questionnaires, with the aim of obtaining actual information on the ground which was reinforced by information from other authorities, that was from other texts, journals, government publications, the internet as well as newspapers. The study revealed that the reasons for adopting a Human Resources Information Systems are a combination of competitive pressure, the size of the organization, relieving HR from Focusing on Clerical activities, increasing efficiency in HR Deliverables, reducing paperwork, and environmental changes. The research findings also discovered that HRIS are being used in recruitment and selection, training and development, payroll administration, communication and decision making. The results revealed the role of the HR department in training and facilitating communication using all channels has positively impacted the implementation process of HRIS. The study discovered that the use of HRIS within the organization has benefits attached to them towards the performance of the organization. The use of HRIS improves the communication within the organization, decision making, increases time efficiency, it is cheap to use and improves the workforce capacity. Bearing in mind the findings, the study recommended that in using a human resource information system, Ecocash Holdings should integrate the HRIS system with other organizational systems to speed information sharing and strategic decision making. Ecocash Holdings should build on their human development resource development initiatives so as to ensure continuity of ICT apt workers. This can only be done by retaining the skills and knowledge that the company has in its vast department. This ensures that skills are not lost through brain drain and various labor turnovers.
June 2023
Human Resources Management Information Systems (HRIS) ,Ecocash Holdings
Dr. Tichagwa