Exploring the most effective Genetics Pedagogies at Ndima Gvt High School.
- Author
- Taguma, F.
- Title
- Exploring the most effective Genetics Pedagogies at Ndima Gvt High School.
- Abstract
The researcher is a student at Bindura University of Science Education majoring in HBScEdBz degree. This investigation is based on exploring the most effective genetics pedagogy at Ndima Gvt High School. The researcher discovered that learners at Ndima Gvt High School are developing disinterest in doing the subject of biology specifically genetics; this has influenced the investigator to find out the best pedagogy to teach genetics at Ndima Gvt High School this can motivate the learners in taking biology. A research done before by Chifwa focused on how genetics is taught in Zambia in the study Chifwa did not highlighted the best and suitable pedagogy in teaching genetics. This study tries to span that gap and provide the effective genetics pedagogy. The research was carried out over a period of 5 months. 60 Biology learners comprised of boys and girls aged between 15 – 18yrs were randomly selected to participate in this study. Qualitative and quantitative analysis was used during the investigation. Questionnaires, tests and concept mapping were the research instruments used to obtain and gather data. The data collected was presented in form of tables. The results from the study showed that technological pedagogy is the most effective genetics pedagogy as learners treated to this pedagogy managed to out-class other participants who were treated with inquiry based pedagogy and traditional pedagogy. This is cemented by the marks which are highlighted as % pass rate obtained by research participants- Traditional pedagogy scored 45%, Inquiry based pedagogy scored 55% and Technological pedagogy scored 85%. The research will help the learners to pursue their studies in the field of medicine and forensic which are unique as have become important fields nowadays. When learners drop subjects, it disrupts the continuity of their learning. Teachers plan lessons and curricula with the expectation that students will progress through the material sequentially. Dropping subjects can leave gaps in a student's knowledge and make it harder for them to keep up as the class moves forward. High dropout rates can negatively impact a teacher's reputation and accountability measures. Schools and districts often use student retention and completion rates as metrics to evaluate teacher performance. Frequent subject drops by learners can make teachers appear less effective. The importance of learners studying genetics to a country can be significant in several include scientific and technological advancement. Genetics is a foundational field of study in biology and biomedical sciences. Educating learners in genetics can contribute to advancements in areas such as medicine, agriculture, biotechnology, and forensics. These advancements can lead to improvements in public health, food production, and crime-solving capabilities, benefiting the country as a whole.
- Date
- 2025
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Genetics pedagogies
- Supervisor
- Dr. Dziva
- Media
Part of Exploring the most effective Genetics Pedagogies at Ndima Gvt High School.