Assessing the occupational safety and health hazards associated with large scale pig farming. A case study at Triple C Pigs.
- Author
- Title
- Assessing the occupational safety and health hazards associated with large scale pig farming. A case study at Triple C Pigs.
- Abstract
- The study aims to asses’ occupational hazards associated with pig farming at Triple C Pigs by determining the characteristics of hazards and the effectiveness of control measures installed to curb the hazards. Observations, interviews and questionnaires were employed in the study to obtain information. Information on the characteristics of hazards and measures installed was obtained through field observations. Questionnaires were administered to a selected sample of employees working at Triple C Pigs using stratified random sampling technique, to explore occupational hazards at the company. Information on the effects of hazards found at Triple C Pigs was obtained from the SHEQ Officer and Clinic Sister through interviews. Data was analysed using Chi-squared tests contained in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences, (SPSS) version 20. Pearson’s Chi-squared tests were used to analyse any relationship concerning common occupational hazards and age, any influence between causes of accidents and measures and relationship between workers age and effects from hazards. The findings of the study contributed to the existing literature on occupational hazards in the pig farming industry, and to inform policy and practice aimed at reducing the risk of occupational hazards for workers in this sector. By highlighting the potential health risks faced by workers in the pig farming industry, the study aims to promote greater awareness and understanding of the importance of occupational health and safety in this sector. Furthermore, the top 5 ranked hazards were identified which are physical injuries, machinery, chemical exposure, respirable dust and ergonomics. Findings revealed that these hazards are mainly contributing to the hazardous environment at the company. Suggested control measures for the findings include provision of training programs on safety protocols and best practices, regular employee health check-ups and improve excess to adequate PPE.
- Date
- June 2023
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Pig Farming
- Safety and Health Hazards
- Tripple C Pigs
- Supervisor
- Mrs L. Mabhungu
- Item sets
- Department of Natural Resources
- Media
Nyamande - SHEM.pdf