Infusion of indigenous knowledge into ordinary level chemistry learning at Takura secondary school
- Author
- Tasara, L.
- Title
- Infusion of indigenous knowledge into ordinary level chemistry learning at Takura secondary school
- Abstract
- Indigenous knowledge is an important part of any community but over centuries it has not been given much attention in the formal Zimbabwe education curriculum as a whole. This study sought to gain insight of the infusion of indigenous knowledge into ordinary level chemistry learning at Takura Secondary School. The researcher took the qualitative way for data generation, analysis, and discussion. The researcher used class observation and interviews as data generating tools. In this study the sample group consisted of four ordinary level chemistry teachers and thirty ordinary level chemistry learners. The data generated was analysed thematically. The findings revealed that ordinary level chemistry teachers were aware of what is indigenous knowledge and infusing indigenous knowledge into Ordinary Level Chemistry gives learners the privilege of learning using local resources. The findings also revealed that there was need to decolonise the Ordinary Level Chemistry curriculum in order to successfully infuse indigenous knowledge into Ordinary Level Chemistry learning. From the findings it can be concluded that the participants had a positive view towards the infusion of IK into Ordinary Level Chemistry teaching and learning. It was recommended that the school should create an environment that enhances learners interaction with their environment during their teaching and learning.
- Date
- 2024
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Indigenous knowledge
- ordinary level chemistry
- Supervisor
- Dr. P. Chikuvadze
- Media
Part of Infusion of indigenous knowledge into ordinary level chemistry learning at Takura secondary school