Exploring the use of ICT in the teaching and learning of Biology at O level, a case of Munhemba cluster in Mutoko District.
- Author
- Wushe, B.
- Title
- Exploring the use of ICT in the teaching and learning of Biology at O level, a case of Munhemba cluster in Mutoko District.
- Abstract
- The study was an exploration on the use of ICT in the teaching and learning of biology at O Level, a case of Munhemba cluster in Mutoko District. The aim of the study was to explore the use of ICT in the teaching and learning of Biology at O Level. The study’s objectives were to assess the use of ICT tools to teach Biology, to determine challenges faced by teachers and learners and to evaluate the benefits of ICT in teaching biology at O Level. The interpretivism paradigm which relates to qualitative research informed the study. The study used the case study research design. The population for the study comprised twelve teachers and two hundred form four learners. The sample for the study were fourteen participants from two secondary schools. The study used open-ended-interviews, and questionnaires. The major findings for the study were that teacher centered mode of teaching is still important and being used in teaching Biology. Schools are still facing serious shortage of ICT tools, qualified ICT teachers, and technical support. The study concluded that the government is neglecting its schools hence serious structural problems that need urgent attendance. The study also concluded that shortage of qualified ICT teachers is crippling the use of ICT tools in rural schools. It was recommended that teachers improve their own ICT skills in order to keep up to date with the current ICT skills and knowledge necessary for their profession. School administrators were recommended to advocate for the construction of an ICT laboratory for use by the whole school and ensure that students may rotate the use of the lab with a minimum of fifty computers or laptops. The policymakers were recommended to provide internet services, alternative power such as solar systems at different rural schools, ICT tools such as laptops, projectors and computers. They were also recommended to train teachers in ICT skills and knowledge so that it go a long way in helping them in the advancement of ICT knowledge to students.
- Date
- 2024
- Publisher
- Keywords
- teaching and learning
- Biology
- Supervisor
- Dr Makuvire
- Media