An analysis of the effectiveness of pfumvudza on agriculture production. "Pfumvudza" A case of Domboshava in ward 5 Pote village Zimbabwe.
- Author
- Title
- An analysis of the effectiveness of pfumvudza on agriculture production. "Pfumvudza" A case of Domboshava in ward 5 Pote village Zimbabwe.
- Abstract
- The analysis of the effectiveness of Pfumvudza on agricultural production was carried out in Ward 5 in Domboshava of Mashonaland West, Zimbabwe. A sample size of 75 was used to gather information from respondents through questionnaires, focus group discussions and eye observations. The sample was calculated using the Solvin method. The researcher used pie charts and bar graphs to present the finds from gathered information. The results showed that Pfumvudza is very effective in supplying the nation with food. Between the year it was first introduced, 2020, and the year after that, 2021, there was a 35.72% increase in output, and it is anticipated that this year's output will increase by over 35.7%. Due to its high yields per unit area, accessibility of free inputs, lack of draught power, and poverty, this lead people to adopt Pfumvudza. Based on the results, it was concluded that Pfubvudza is very effective in providing food-security for the nation. Furthermore, the Researcher recommended that distribution of inputs should be done in time, and the programme should include the Youth.
- Date
- May 2023
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Pfumvudza programme
- Agricultural production
- Food security
- Supervisor
- DR Chimvuramabwe
- Item sets
- Department of Natural Resources