Impact of climate change on the habitat of aeschynomene gazensis an endemic plant species in Zimbabwe
- Author
- Title
- Impact of climate change on the habitat of aeschynomene gazensis an endemic plant species in Zimbabwe
- Abstract
- In this study the impacts of climate change on the habitat of Aeschynomene gazensis, an endemic species of Zimbabwe were investigated. The maximum Entropy (Maxent) algorithm in R was used to model the distribution of A.gazensis. Occurrence records and bioclimatic variables were used in modelling. Distributions were forecasted under two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs), i.e. RCP 8.5 and RCP 6.0 for year 50 and year 70. Models for present projections showed range shrinkage for A.gazensis. All models reported acute range constriction, proving that climate change is a major threat to the area of occurrence for the species and might lead to extinction. There is a need to prioritize the species and other endemic species against climate change and protect them from human induced threats which destroy their habitat and exacerbate the extinction rate of the species.
- Date
- 2023
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Climate Change
- Supervisor
- Prof. L. Jimu
- Item sets
- Department of Natural Resources
- Media
Rwezuva - NRM.pdf