An assessment of small-scale fish marketing in Zimbabwe
- Author
- Tanatswa J Sadi
- Title
- An assessment of small-scale fish marketing in Zimbabwe
- Abstract
Aquaculture has recently gained momentum in the agricultural industry of Zimbabwe which resulted in significant rise in the number of farmers venturing into the enterprise due to its promotion by various stakeholders who include among others government departments and nongovernmental organizations. The study's objectives were to evaluate the fish marketing channels, the criteria that small-scale fish farmers considered when selecting a fish marketing channel,
and the margins associated with each of these channels. The study takes a look at assessment of the fish marketing channels in Zimbabwe. 117 fish traders were purposively sampled as the candidates for the study. Data was collected from the farmers using questionnaires. Inferential and descriptive statistics were used to analyse the data. Farmer to consumer, farmer to wholesaler, farmer to butcheries, farmer to food outlets, farmer to retailer shops and farmer to vendors or middleman are the channels that were found to be functional. To identify the variables influencing the marketing channel selection of fish traders, a binary model was used. Age, educational level, farm size, distance to market, method of payment, household size, and the presence of additional income sources were found to be statistically significant factors in
influencing farmers' choice of marketing channel. From the study, it is evident that the marketing margins vary with the marketing channel used by the farmer. Most farmers market their fish in local markets which in most cases pay very low prices hence there is need to explore lucrative markets for fish so as to enhance the profitability of the enterprise. Fish farmers should also
consider venturing into contract farming so that they access the required inputs and a ready market for their produce. The Developme given high priority since fish is very perishable of the cold chain within the industry must also be - Date
- 2023
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Aquaculture
- Marketing channels,
- Fish Farmers
- Supervisor
- Dr. L. Musemwa
- Item sets
- Department of Natural Resources
Part of An assessment of small-scale fish marketing in Zimbabwe