Impacts of climate change on beekeeping in sub-Saharan Africa
- Author
- Onibiyaji Sande
- Title
- Impacts of climate change on beekeeping in sub-Saharan Africa
- Abstract
- The distribution and assemblage of beekeeping being impacted by climate change, which has become a global environmental problem. Models of climate change have emerged as a crucial resource for predicting the spread of habitats. The aim of the study was to ascertain how beekeeping in sub-Saharan Africa was affected by climate change. R software's maximum (MaxEnt) technique was used to estimate the current distribution of beekeeping in sub-Saharan Africa. Nineteen bioclimatic parameters and the distribution of beekeeping were modelled. Under the two (RCP) climatic models, specifically RCP_8.5and RCP_2.6, distribution was anticipated to be in 2050 and 2070, respectively. The species' distribution was compacted in relation to adaptability today and beekeeping's predicted distribution in the future. There is a steady deterioration, according to data for predicted future appropriateness. This amply proves that sub-Saharan Africa's beekeeping habitat is significantly impacted by climate change.
- Date
- May 2023
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Climate Change
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Supervisor
- Professor L. Jimu
- Item sets
- Department of Natural Resources
- Media
Sande - NRM.pdf
Part of Impacts of climate change on beekeeping in sub-Saharan Africa