Hlupo, Walter
Impact of sustainable procurement practices on value for money in tertiary education institutions in Zimbabwe.
In the past few decades, academics and procurement experts have become increasingly interested in supply chain value and sustainable procurement techniques. In the context of challenges like climate change, environmental degradation, resource depletion, water shortages, inequality, and global equity, among others, there is increased interest and focus on addressing sustainability issues and realizing value for money. The triple bottom line, commonly known as the 3Es, is a framework that helps people understand and interpret the sustainability argument (economy, environment and ethics). The emergence of sustainability as a discipline and a way of life is a result of the development in environmental and ethical consciousness. Despite numerous studies that glorified the sustainable procurement and value for money issues in huge projects and on the ecological and economic benefits of sustainable procurement practices to higher and tertiary education institutions in Southern Africa, there is scanty literature on considerations of sustainable procurement linked to the realization of value for money around the world, let alone in Zimbabwe, yet this is a critical source of efficiency and effectiveness of public institutions financial health, survival ,development and growth ,Matabeleland higher and tertiary institutions in particular. Data was gathered using interviews and triangulated from five specific universities and colleges namely Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo Polytechnic, Hillside Teachers College, Bulawayo Polytechnic, National University of Science and Technology and Lupane State University using snowball method. Thematic analysis was used to analyse data. It was revealed that value for money concept is not yet fully understood in higher and tertiary education institutions and sustainable procurement is not being practiced with the Tripple bottom line in mind. Interventions to ameliorate value for money gap along the higher and tertiary education institutions supply chain are but not limited to training of top management and procurement officers on the importance of sustainable procurement and value for money, consideration of life cycle costing of all goods and services procured(Quality and ease of disposal after use), allowing competition amongst the bidders and dealing decisively with corruption .
June 2022
Sustainable procurement, Value for Money, Supply Chain, People, Planet and Profit.
Dr. F. Chari